Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I made a huge misplay with Bronzong in the first few turns that caused me to lose Garchomp. -.-
Banned because I dont know how to make little tiny emoticons like a chess piece, can anybody help a brotha out? DB because im going to post this in the thread that specializes on that!
Banned because I like to abbreviate. DB because Im looking for a brony or brother who can help someone out on the thread with the help on forum stuff
Banned because im getting pizza tonight while my parents are at a wedding and my older brother is watching me
Banned because you have an older brother. Doubly banned because I wish I had pizza, but it's pretty late in the UK.
Banned because GMT is US time plus 5 hours. It's 9:15 for me.
Edit: Banned for :ninja me. Doubly banned because the macro changes
P plus B
to PB, so your peanut butter didn't make sense.
Banned because chellochello clearly doesn't understand that not all of America is one timezone. (It's 1:16 in CA)
Banned because I know that meaty, I was talking to pokevortex because well, you know. Double banned because your username is meaty
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