Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I'm hoping to get ahead of safariblade by tomorrow in our little contest. :>
Banned becuause you changed your avatar again, double banned because it's still probably not your girlfriend, xP triple banned because I'm moving on to the second round of the redshark tournament. (I'm sorry Catutie! Dx)
catutie said:
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because bang.

banned because that was a useless post :p. YOU HELPED NONE lol

double banned because its ok afro...its a competition :p people lose in those things :p
Banned because I wasn't aware there was losing involved. D;

Banned because I added you to my friends list earlier today.
Banned because I just woke up. Doubly banned because I've had a 40% warning overall for mini-modding and not providing a card scan.
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because I think I have the longest bio ever (that doesn't have any quotes).
Banned because you should check mine.
Banned because I have had a 80% warning level but I have never been banned because of warning. Double banned because my warning level has not been over 20% in about a year and a half.
Banned because I am about to upload my pictures of Night to deviantART!
EDIT: Don't be too sure. I need to do some stuff with my scanner.
Banned because I added a Lapras to my art thread last night. Double banned because I'll be adding a Mightyena this morning to it.
Banned because I just woke up. Doubly banned because I've had a 40% warning overall for mini-modding and not providing a card scan.
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because I think I have the longest bio ever (that doesn't have any quotes).
Banned because you should check mine.
Banned because I'm mentioned in your bio.^_^
Banned because I made this:

/me wonders if Gliscor will notice.
Banned because he'll notice because you'll probably tell him. :3
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