Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I bet that IFX is annoyed at people barely using her work and then getting rid of it quickly after they've gone to all the trouble of making it. That's why I quit U/E's shop.
Banned because 4th gen = the best in my opinion. Dusknoir, Garchomp, Giratina, Porygon-Z, Darkrai, Shaymin, Infernape, Gliscor, Empoleon - it never ends!
Banned because I posted my Rotom Raffle results on The Void,. Doubly banned because I forgot Lucario in my list. Triply banned because I'm editing a drawing of Night (character).
Banned because I went 2-2 at BRs. Double banned because sillykyle! and Afro-G are in top cut(Kyle's playing BOOM, and Afro's playing 'Zard).
Yoshidude10 said:
Banned because I went 2-2 at BRs. Double banned because sillykyle! and Afro-G are in top cut(Kyle's playing BOOM, and Afro's playing 'Zard).

Banned because I only ever play 3 games. Doubly banned because what is BOOM? Triply banned because you replaced Reuniclus with Mandibuzz for your avatar, but I can't get Mandibuzz on White.
Banned because do you mean chello or BrOken? Doubly banned because I wish I had Wi-Fi so that I could trade for some Mandibuzz.
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