Finished The Ban Game

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RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned cause my name has a secret name in it.

BrO + ICE Say BrOice really fast.
Does it sound like Gym Leader's name.
(Bryce) It wasn't even intentioned.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because shampoo thinks I enslave electric pokemon, trust me they are my friends Enslaving them is fun, my rotom even can make toast XD
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you make your Rotom make toast for you. How could you...:p
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for assuming I am your friend.
Nah, I'm just playing.
But you are still banned
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because your avatar and sig banner are identical, barring dimension differences.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you said I am your friend. Wynaut does not make friends with shampoo theives! :p
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you are not Wynaut. You are Yoshidude10.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for doing random things n' stuff.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for banning for awesome typing

EDIT: banned for being a NINJA! >:0
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because my I haven't got a warning in a year and two months.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned 'cause I don't know if you're being sarcastic.
(I'm gonna guess sarcasm.)

EDIT: Banned for being a ninja.
Ninjas must be "Tuez"!
Look up Tuez in French Dictionarys.
The person below is banned for misspelling "Tuez".
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you created a popular RPG series that will have to wait for the existing RPG threads to finish before the next season can start.
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