Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because before BW, I used Typhlosion Charizard instead of Typhlosion Reshiram.
Banned because I am not in any RPGs. Double banned because I plan to bring this forum a game that will become the most sophisticated game in the Game Corner. Triple Banned because it will bring together a big push for games that are not RPG or YPPY.
Banned because I made a Map for Chello's new RPG.

Double banned because I might open my Avatar Shop tomorrow. Prepare for more avatars like mine and Afro's! MWHAHAHAHA!

It'll be a new fad.
Banned because it sounds exciting (Guy's new game), double banned because my usertitle may sound sad,
but it's exactly how I feel about the matter. :/
Banned because I hope Snivylover wasn't being sarcastic.

And what the heck? I'll open up shop tonight! I just need to make examples and a banner.
Banned because you need examples and for it to be approved. DB because mine wasnt approved. Triple banned because when it is the new fad, i will come see you about it
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