Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because there was a troll on the PO server who threatened to hack it, and then he made the text become backwards. Steadfast and shadow_scyther handled him and I managed to fix the text.
Hatman said:
Banned because I need a witty nickname for a Gligar.
Banned because do you want a jokey one or just a cool one?

Banned for needing a new signature and doubly banned for changing your usertitle.
Banned because if I post this P0KEVORTEX can post again, double banned because I was hoping more people would comment on my last post. (I need attention! Dx)
Banned because I would name Gligar either Nate (taken from hibernate), Canine (fangs) or Incisor (also fang).

Doubly banned because what is there to say about the mod chain? It was amazing and I hoped that they would get to 50 to be honest. I bet that TDL was helping them.
Banned because I know, but I was thinking of fang-related names. What about Guillotine, Fang or Blade?
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