Finished The Ban Game

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RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I have a pet naked sloth named Billeh.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I'm immortal. Seriously, I've escaped death so many times.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because you have an invalid avatar url.


banned because I missed my target.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for being invisible(on the who's online list)
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because dragonspit999 can no longer play this game until he follows the rules.

Hey, dragonspit999, PM when you figure out what you did wrong. Okay?
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for daring to defy the laws of physics.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned for changing your avatar.
(EDIT: double banned for changing your avatar back.)
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I got a 3DS and I'm happy.

dmaster out.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I want one so badly, I'll even "Tuez" for it.
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