Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because my favourite Star Wars character is either Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Jango Fett or Greedo. Good old Greedo. :D
Doubly banned because I wouldn't do that trade, Robot. You can get Zekrom in a tin, anyway.
Triply banned because I am obsessed with Bruno Mars at the moment.
Banned because Bruno Mars sings about seeing faces, double banned @chello because like everyone else I agree that's an awful trade.
Banned because I just found
On Google. It's one of my stills.
Doubly banned because Bruno sings about talking to inanimate objects as well.
Banned because I am waiting for something to happen in the RPG The Region.
Double banned because POKEVORTEX's image was broken. -_-
Banned because it shouldn't be, >:/ double banned because it's fun to do normal chat. =D
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