Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because My DS is broken
DB cuz BD is dumb
TB cuz it is not possible
QB cuz I an bord
Something banned because I want to Band you 4x
Banned because I'm on Windows and all I see is a mountain and a cactus. No Rarity or whatever they're called.

banned because rofl they arnt all called a rarity lol

double banned because windows is kind of annoying
Banned because what are they called, then? I don't know much about MLP. I know three? ponies, and that's it.
Banned cuz this is how your day starts:
Banned because what are they called, then? I don't know much about MLP. I know three? ponies, and that's it.

banned because they all have names but that one is called rarity...cause that is her name lol

double banned because i still have the cramp in my leg

triple banned because guess the next poster is so dumb but i want to win

quad banned because its like the count to 50 game...
Banned because I've won 3 times in CT50, and three in chello's new game. Doubly banned because I was saying that I thought that the pony in your avatar was called Rarity, catutie, and apparently she is.
Banned because no one ever guesses me on that game. I got guessed once.
Doubly banned because I am afraid that I'll lose interest in Pokémon, let alone forums, in about a year or so. :O

Banned because I've lost interest Pokemon.
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