Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because

Skype said:
09:35:09 me These are not the droids we're looking for.
09:35:20 safariblade Good.
09:35:30 safariblade Now stop talking nonsense.
09:35:45 safariblade About prisons and stuff.
09:36:02 me Linky was here
09:36:03 me winnar
09:36:18 Afro i dare u to remove that
09:36:21 Afro NAO!
09:36:28 me nevar
09:36:40 Afro DO IT!
09:36:45 Afro I DAY YA!
09:37:05 Afro if i've learned anything from PBS
09:37:08 Afro it's that you can't turn down a dare
09:37:56 safariblade The link is busted, you fool.
Banned because maybe, but I wouldn't want people video calling me. They'd turn to stone.
Banned because I think that they're mainly a trader.
Doubly banned because if you were having some graffiti on a wall with a Scrafty in front of it, what would it say? I need ideas for my piece for bacon.
Banned because the graffiti should say something like "Lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground" =P double banned because that's kind of long, triple banned because I'm not sure how many people would get the reference...
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