HypnoticLuxray said:Banned because :O That's erm....
Double banned because according to Scott Pilgram vs. the World, Pacman was originally called Puckman, but they thought it was to easy to vandalize. I have no idea if that's true.
P0KEVORTEX said:Banned because languages will always have that. Guess how 'ils peuvent' is pronounced in French. It's just language for you.
Yoshidude10 said:Excuse me? I told you three times that I don't have Black or White, yet you still ask me for my FC, when really all I'm looking for is a match. LMK when you have the nerve to battle me again, thanks.
slickmario said:Banned because I should try to stop posting until Monday .-.
P0KEVORTEX said:Banned because it took me a while to read all that, but it's the longest ban in a long time I've seen here.
TheDarkLucario said:Banned because your avy should be like safariblade's and mine. <3