Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because languages will always have that. Guess how 'ils peuvent' is pronounced in French. It's just language for you.
Banned because :O That's erm....

Double banned because according to Scott Pilgram vs. the World, Pacman was originally called Puckman, but they thought it was to easy to vandalize. I have no idea if that's true.
HypnoticLuxray said:
Banned because :O That's erm....

Double banned because according to Scott Pilgram vs. the World, Pacman was originally called Puckman, but they thought it was to easy to vandalize. I have no idea if that's true.

Banned because that actually is true.
Banned because languages will always have that. Guess how 'ils peuvent' is pronounced in French. It's just language for you.

Banned because I know. Doubly banned because I was just stating a simple fact. Triply banned because I was just stating a fact. Quadruply banned because I was reminded of this fact. Quintuply banned because I was reminded of this fact on Pokémon Battle Revolution. Hextuply banned because I was remind of this fact on Pokémon Battle Revolution whilst using Gabite. Septupaly banned because I am posting this on my iPod touch. Octuply banned because I hate autosmorrect. Nontuply banned because autocorrect did not autocorrect autosmorrect. Dectuply banned because my fingers are hurting. Eleventuply banned because my fingers are hurting from all this typing. Dodectuply banned because now I am switching to my thumb to stop the hurt. Tridectuply banned because do you think 13 bans are enough? Quadectuply banned because I don't think so. Quindectuply banned because I want to set up a trade thread. Hexdectuply banned because I can't. Sepdectuply banned because I can't yet because I am going to my grandparents for x amount of time. Octdectuply banned because I am bored. Nondectuply banned because you can probably tell. Decdectuply banned because autosmorrect corrected Nondectuply with Nondescript. Elevendecdectuply banned because I <3 autosmorrect. Dodecdectuply banned because that was last ban was sarcasm. Tridecdectuply banned because I bet you could tell that that last ban was sarcasm. Quadecdectuply banned because that last ban was sarcastic too. Quindecdectuply banned because I am done now. Hexdecdectuply banned because or am I? Sepdecdectuply banned because I actually am.
Banned because it took me a while to read all that, but it's the longest ban in a long time I've seen here.
Banned because I got kicked from a PO server for speaking my mind against someone who "blackmailed" me and said they knew my FC and would harass me. I feel sad. :( (Then they swore at me a bunch of times, and called me some words that I can't say on this site).

Double banned because this is what I said, and got me kicked.

Yoshidude10 said:
Excuse me? I told you three times that I don't have Black or White, yet you still ask me for my FC, when really all I'm looking for is a match. LMK when you have the nerve to battle me again, thanks.

I didn't know it was that bad.
banned because i want to face yoshidude now....

double banned because is hot outside

triple banned because HUMIDITY TOO?! witch craft i tell ya....
Banned because that dandy server let me back on. Double banned because I PM'd you. Triple banned because I want to play SSBB! :)
slickmario said:
Banned because I should try to stop posting until Monday .-.

banned because PB will be gone by then ;D

double banend because "next week" is over

triple banned because you are all weirdo's for thinking that PB was closing >_>
Banned because it took me a while to read all that, but it's the longest ban in a long time I've seen here.

Banned because do you think I should put it in my bio?
Banned because your avy should be like safariblade's and mine. <3
Banned because I might join. The contest is secretly a way of recruiting mods depending on if they have a hot avatar at the time. Thus, safari was modded first, then TDL when he overtook. So imagine what would happen if I found a good 'Un.
Doubly banned because you should, Ice Espeon.
banned because i should not have mod power....

double banned because i would have to much fun with it :p
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