Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I don't know if you're leaving or not. :/
Double banned because slick thinks I have the greatest avatar of all time.
Banned because that is such a weird avatar.

slickmario said:
Banned because it's a sign that he is contemplating the best, most elaborate way to permaban you.
Banned because you just made my day XD.
Banned because my day has not been made.

Double banned because I am leaving, on a day only few people know, for a set period of time, but I'll be back after that time period
Robot3300 said:
Banned because that is such a weird avatar.
Banned because it's even weirder if you're listening to music and he dances along with it.
Double Banned because DarkVoid57, it's a good thing you're not permanently leaving. :3
Banned because I saw the Youtube video that has your avatar in it.

Doublebanned because
Banned because I slept 'till 3:30 in the afternoon...
Double banned because I now like Zapdos more than any other legendary pokemon...
Banned because within my period of leaving, I will be back for one day within my period of time away.
Banned because which one? Double banned because I don't have any HGSS-on decks. Triple banned because I stink at the TCG competitively. Quadruple banned because I got all nervous last time I went to a tournament. Quintuple banned because it was only Cities. Sextuple banned because I've never banned anyone this many times. Septuple banned because I don't know what kind of ban it is anymore. Octuple banned because I found out. Nonuple banned because I edited it to change it.
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