Finished The Ban Game

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banned because obviously phase moltres is just them painting the town red...thus meaning that all the Smods and WPM will go out camping and get smashed drunk and then come back and destroy the forums...that is phase moltres
Banned because Phase Moltres will be the rebirth of the forums with an amazing new format. Double banned because that is only I think what is happening.
Banned because I just had to read through something like 14x15 posts on this.
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because lesson le first:

"Have a catchy catchphrase."
Banned because it would be le premier cours properly.
slickmario said:
Banned because I was wrong about this place having any mature members...

Banned because be glad that I've returned.
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because I like UD.
Banned because if you mean Undaunted (which I doubt), I hate that set other than RDL.
BrOkenICE said:
Banned because I ninja'd Shadow(Lugia). Duo-Banned because Shadow(my OC) is a ninja. Tri-Banned because Jake(another OC) has a Scizor and a Flareon.
Banned because I came up with Shadow, but having him as a ninja sounds awesome!
Banned because you all should have believed me.
Banned because THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!! Double banned because I remembered that Guy minutes before the change.
Banned because I'm viewing this image:
Guy89 said:
Banned because I'm viewing this image:

Banned because you really confused me. Double banned because how did you do that? Triple banned because it's almost 12 here. Quadruple banned because I should be asleep. Quintuple banned because I will go to sleep.
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