Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I bet could top Darkvoid's post.

Double banned because I'm gonna eat a burger first.

Triple banned because and it was good.

Quadruple banned because that's a bacon quote.

Quintuple banned because it was in a hilarious thread.

Sextuple banned because the title is random words.

Septuple banned because it was made by a worshipid utensil.

Octupule banned because this is as far as I go with tuples.

9-Banned because I would refer de, but I'm to lazy.

10-Banned because de is a good person.

11-Banned because I just finished an Ice-cream Sandwich.

12-Banned because Darkvoid used less tuple bans.

13-Banned becauzse this ban will bring bad Luck

14-Banned bacause I am Now previewing this post to see if I was ninja'd.

15-Banned because I was.

16-Banned because I wish I could freeze time so I could type this up without getting ninja'd.

17-Banned because like Hiro Nakamora

18-Banned because I probably spelt Nakamora wrong.

19-banned because he's from Heroes

20-banned because Ironic name.

21-banned because it was probably on purpose to make a 'Super Hiro' joke.

22-banned because I have Seasons 1-4 on DVD at my house

23-banned I just started watching them recently,

24-banned because I'm on Season 2- Episode 7 now.

25-banned because Kensei/Adam was just revealed.

26-banned because if you didn't see the show, this proabably seems like rambling.

27-banned because, well it is.

28-banned because I stopped capitalizing 'banned' awhile ago.

29-Banned because this is an exception

30-banned because the only exception.

31-banned because "You are the only exception"

32-banned because that song was in Glee.

33-banned because the Guy that plays Finn didn't know he was gonna be fired.

34-banned because he found out after the press found out.

35-banned because that's really stupid,

36-banned because I'm doing another progress check.

37-banned because two more people posted

38-banned because Arceus said that 100 bans is too many.

39-banned because what does he know?

40-banned because I will beat Darkvoid.

41-banned because I've been doing this for over a Half-n-hour

42-banned because that's sad

43-banned because Deadliest Warrior Season 3 started Wednesday.

44-banned because it was George Bush Washington vs. Napoleon

45-banned because George Bush Washington won.

46-banned because Even a clown can win George Washington is beast.

47-banned because Next Week is Joane Of Ark vs. William The Conquerer.

48-banned because I took a break playing trumpet.

49-banned because I originally play oboe.

50-banned because oboes can't march, so I had to play another instrument if I want to do marching band.

51-banned because marching band starts in two years.

52-banned because every four years, my school's band goes to Disney World.

53 banned because all of the other years, they go somewhere else.

54 banned because I have quite a bit more to go to beat Dark.

55-banned because ANOTHER PROGRESS CHECK

56-banned because More ninja's

57 banned because the last post I currently see is the ninja' emote

58 banned because apparently de has more characters in his ban than Dark.

59 banned because i hope to break both of their records.

60 banned because I probably won't, but there's no badness to trying.

61 banned because my sister has Disney Channel on.

62 banned because some stupid new show called Prank Stars is there.

63 banned because it's a complete ripoff of Scare Factor.

64 banned because I'm getting bored of this.

65 banned because

66 banned because that is a picture of a board.

67 banned because board sounds like bored.

68 banned because, oh homophones

69 banned because it might be homonyms.

70 banned because or is it homo sapiens

71 banned because there are a lot of words with homo.

72 banned because one of them will probably catch me a warning.

73 banned because I am donig another progress check.

74 banned because I have a Profile comment

75 banned because I'll have to check that.

76 banned because it was porygon-x responding to one of my profile comments.

77 banned because I was asking about the status of Murder.

78 banned because he said Sunday was his goal to get it up.

79 banned because trololololololololololololololololololo

80 banned because I've run out of things to say.

81 banned because Dark wrote his quicker than I did.

82 banned because I'm not sure how quickly dragonexpert wrote his.

83 banned because there's only one thing to do at a point of boredom.

84 banned because Progress CHECK!

85 banned because Snivylover is fretting over that nobody knows her name.

86 banned because it's Rileigh

87 banned because I'm lurking on a lot of chat channels.

88 banned because I now have a +hop on #TheChallenge

89 banned because I hope slick gets unbanned.

90 banned because gale got unbanned.

91 banned because hatedisc is back and doesn't want esperante unbanned.

92 banned because I am closer toward Dark's ban.

93 banned because it would be strange if people were actually banned when playing the ban game.

94 banned because I will do one final progress check.

95 banned because no one knows snivylover's name

96 banned because my name also starts with an 'r'

97 banned because it's Ryan.

98 banned because I quit, Dark is just to beast for me to beat.

99 banned because it's too bad I can't do it.

100 banned because Goodbye, ban game!

101 banned because Oh wait. :O

102 banned because I just beat dark.

103 banned because I saved my best ban for last ban.

104 banned It took me about an hour and 45 minutes to write that.

105 banned because my last ban is something catutie says I do alot.

106 banned because goodnight peoples.

107 banned because THEEEE GAAAAMMMEEEE!!!!
Banned because it took me like 15 minutes to write mine

Double banned because Challenge Accepted

Triple banned because Heroes is an awesome series
Banned because from now on, any posts that do more than 5 bans will be warned for breaking game rule / YPPY. Double banned because there is no reason to do more than five bans in a post. Triple banned because if you want to do more bans than that, you are free to "ban" each other via PM or some other method.
Banned because DE has just layed down the law.

Double banned because he did it LIKE A BOSS

Triple banned because I'm ok with this rule, since I still hold a record anyway
Banned because lucky...
Duo-Banned because
"Please remember...there was a girl named Alice" ~ Alice
Tri-Banned because for some reason that's my favorite quote.
Quad-Banned because I made a character named Alice and she kicks ass.
She has a scythe, and two mini scythes that act as pistols.
Quin-Banned because I would make more bans...but that rule...
Guy89 said:
Banned because oyeah1988 thinks he's worth more than 100.

banned because i know im worth more than 50 >_>

double banned because i came in 5th last game...and that was only cause i didnt have time to write a report cause of graduation D:
Banned because I just did this: * TheGuy changes topic to 'Welcome to #omgidontbreakrules Chat! | The Game'
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