Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I just wrote a long PM

Double banned because I worked till 10 :O

Triple banned because I folded cloths for 4 hours....
Banned because I've heard of you before, and welcome back.
Doubly banned because I am also back after a week of break.
Triply banned because I've missed you guys.
Quadruply banned because I have so much to catch up on. O_O
Banned for taking a week for a break
Double banned because not much has happened since you left
Triple banned because I have never heard of zero
Quadruple banned because your online when I was posting this
Quadruply banned because I have so much to catch up on. O_O

Banned because not really....

Double banned because just go support Mew in H/H and you should be all caught up :p
Banned because that's the oldest one in the book, but it's still funny for some.
Doubly banned because Cresselia beats Mew anyday in my opinion.
Triply banned because I have now caught up. It was mainly deviantART that I needed to catch up on, and groups/RPGs. But I did miss over 30 pages of this.
Banned because tell me about it. And I'm relatively untouched. I guess everyone loves Cresselia.
Doubly banned because there is a troll on my YouTube swearing at me just because I made a typo when typing Unfezant's evolution level. By two levels. O_O
Banned because lol. Double banned because I wanna troll back at him. Triple banned because I'm gonna go play some Achevment Unlocked, if anyone wants to do multiplayer, say so.
Banned because troll away, Hatman. ;D
Here's the URL. There's a language warning, since it's a troll. :p But it's censored on Safety Mode.
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