Finished The Ban Game

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^Banned because I just got ninja'd by you, but you kinda saved me from breaking a yppy rule

Double banned because I watch a lot of things on netflix.
MrGatr said:
^Banned because I just got ninja'd by you, but you kinda saved me from breaking a yppy rule

Double banned because I watch a lot of things on netflix.

Banned because Netflix=one word summery of my summer. I use Netflix on my Wii. Mr.Gatr, do you still dislike Rainbow Lizard?
Double banned because now I understand what ninja'd means.
Snivylover555 said:
Banned because I'm going to eat dinner.

Banned because: Wait, weren't you supposed to eat dinner about 16 posts ago?

Double banned: Because I hate the rainbow lizard
Double banned because my next avatar should be perfect!
^Banned becasue oops, I just noticed that... I shall change it... And make you look bad.

Double banend because I might get warned for that... Right.
Banned because about 16 posts ago my dad was making dinner. Double banned because I'm back.
Banned because I temporarily changed my avatar for Mr.Gatr!
Double banned cause I'm going to change it when it is 8:00 PM.
Banned because every website I've looked at to purchase a Diabolo, every single one has been sold out

Banned because your record is amazing, double banned because I hope you have a good night.
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