Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I dared my brother to do that, but he didn't. Double banned because I have to leave in like 15 minutes.
Banned because the furthest I go is typing with only one hand, =P double banned because leaving Pokebeach can be difficult... :O

Edit: Banned because you're a ninja and double banned because you said "insurance".
Banned because you "Double banned" Hatman without normal banning him, double banned because sometimes I have trouble taking my eyes off of your sig... o.o
Afro-G said:
Banned because you "Double banned" Hatman without normal banning him, double banned because sometimes I have trouble taking my eyes off of your sig... o.o

Banned because silly I typed that with my fist obviously :p

Double banned because I love my sig :D

Triple banned because I want guesses as to what it will be next week

Quad banned because remember it won't be pony's ;D

Quin banned because it will be a game that I love to death...actually a series that I love to death...actually 2 games that I love to death...
Banned because I just found this post, double banned because I'm having trouble figuring out how it got there (more like why I posted it there), triple banned because I guess that's what happens when you post after 2 am when you should be in bed, quadruple banned because someone should punish me for being a spammy mod... D:
Afro-G said:
Banned because I just found this post, double banned because I'm having trouble figuring out how it got there (more like why I posted it there), triple banned because I guess that's what happens when you post after 2 am when you should be in bed, quadruple banned because someone should punish me for being a spammy mod... D:

Banned because

/me goes off to report Afro

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your good record will be ruined

Double banned because I would never report Afro :3
Banned because apparently, a lot of my bans don't have periods.

Double banned because I don't know why I do that.
Banned because I told you that.

Afro-G said:
Banned because I just found this post, double banned because I'm having trouble figuring out how it got there (more like why I posted it there), triple banned because I guess that's what happens when you post after 2 am when you should be in bed, quadruple banned because someone should punish me for being a spammy mod... D:
Double banned because
Arceus puts Afro-G in the corner for spamming
[5:09:57 PM] Afro-G: Dx
Banned because thank you, dragonexpert, double banned because I needed that... o.o

Edit: Banned because you ninja'd me and double banned because Imma go click your profile. =P
Banned because I previously failed to an epic extent.

Double banned because I took my fail with me to a corner.
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