Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I'm addicted to this stupid "Want you gone" song. Look up "Want you gone lyrics" on you tube and find the one that's lyrics only.
Double banned because If you don't know portal, you probably will still like it. I don't even own portal and I hardly know the story and I like the song.
Triple Banned because I am addicted to "Still Alive" as well. I suggest listening to "Still Alive" first.
TheDarkLucario said:
Banned because I didn't bother to read your post.

Banned because I do that alot :p

Double banned because I rambled about randomness in my Nuzlocke thread....
ShadowLugia said:
Banned because someone will be ninja'd. When exactly? I don't know.

Banned because if people started pressing "Preview Post", it'd be unlikely for incidents like these to happen.
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