Finished The Ban Game

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Banned cause you did that right

Double banned because I don't even know what a troll is

Triple banned because Pokefan, is a troll

Quadruple banned because what the heck is a troll.
MrGatr said:
Banned cause you did that right

Double banned because I don't even know what a troll is

Triple banned because Pokefan, is a troll

Quadruple banned because what the heck is a troll.

Banned because nice trolling! ;D
But if you're serious, a troll is someone that delibaretely annoys other people on the Internet without caring.
tybike said:
Banned for changing your avvy 3 times in the last 24 hours

Banned cause that is me:p
Banned because nice trolling! ;D
But if you're serious, a troll is someone that delibaretely annoys other people on the Internet without caring.

banned cause, Oh, and then I did just troll pokefan, last night for a little.

Double banned cause it this a bad thing

Banned because what does YPPY mean?
Banned because how do I get rid of magikarp bait?

Banned becuase it means You, Person, Person You,
Double banned because you just walk around, and it will change.
Triple banned because You just type something else.
Banned because XD

Double banned because that was the joke

Triple banned because LuckyPokeGirl, and I spam peoples profs... Watch out

Quadruple banned becuase this kid is a n00b.
Zeki/n/Reshi23 said:
Banned because what does YPPY mean?
Banned because how do I get rid of magikarp bait?

Banned because
a) In a nutshell, don't post again here until two people have posted after you.
b) Go onto User Control Panel -> Edit Profile -> in the top right it will have usertitle info that you can change.
Banned because thanks for your help guys.
Banned because what is the point of this thread?
Banned because is it just chatting?
Zeki/n/Reshi23 said:
Banned because thanks for your help guys.
Banned because what is the point of this thread?
Banned because is it just chatting?

Banned cause it is just to walk around
Double banned cause you still didn't get that joke.
Banned because thanks again for the compliment!
Doubly banned because I'm going to look into buying some PD/HB packs.
EDIT: Ninja'd. Banned for trolling.
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