Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I talked in a British accent all day at school today. Double banned because my finger is still jammed so I still have to type awkwardly.
Banned because how did you jam it again?

catutie said:
Banned for actually banning someone

Double banned because I'm doing things and ALOT of stuff

Double banned because alot isn't a word. A lot is.
dragonexpert said:
Banned because how did you jam it again?

Double banned because alot isn't a word. A lot is.

Banned because I was trying to catch a football at practice last night and got a finger jammer.
Banned because I have a headache.
Double banned because I'm looking forward to the new Kirby games.
Banned because I haven't seen you in a while, double banned because headaches are no fun, :/ triple banned because I haven't heard any news about a new Kirby game, quadruple banned because that doesn't mean there isn't one coming out lol.
Banned because you still need a ref from DarkSoul. Silly DarkSoul.


Banned because I have your Skype. Double banned @ Hatman becuase I just checked his signature, not the Trading Corner.
Banned 'cause you have 2 unrelated pokemon in your sig.

Double Banned 'cause each of your avatars have had a -gator or crocodile pokemon in it.

Triple Banned 'cause: Now Listening to: Whoop (There is Is!) by Tag Team
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