Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because that's good to hear, =P double banned because your banner just got a whole lot smaller. :O
Afro-G said:
Banned because that's good to hear, =P double banned because your banner just got a whole lot smaller. :O
Banned because the maximum allowed image width is only 670 pixels.
Banned because I only have one holo(plus a FA) from EP :(. double banned because im running two new teams in pokemon white to a lv 100 because im bored (that would make 7 teams so far lol)
Banned because I assume you're talking about Tornadus, double banned because I wish I had more of your wants. D:
Afro-G said:
Banned because you should stop, Zyflair, lol. Double banned because there's a difference between generous and stupid. =P
Banned because couldn't you get the tin promo?
Banned because i do have a tornadus FA, but it's for my collection of the set Afro :(. Double banned because i need a FA Thundurus and holos lol.
Banned because I guess you don't know that I have a Thundurus Full Art on my trade thread, double banned because before you even consider it we're not working out a trade on this thread. xP
Banned because lol.
Double banned because Mibbit works on this network. =3
Banned because I'm literally flat broke as of right now and really can't afford to send out packages.
Double banned because I just want to trade in person!!!! ugh
Triple banned because no one around me plays/collects pokemon :(
Quad banned because all you guys live to far away :(
Banned because I got a 102% on a SS test. Extra Credit got me the two points.
Double banned because at school today my BFF and I couldn't stop singing th is whenever someone would talk.
Triple banned because I remembered back at Kindergarten at my old school this boy kissed me.(yeah, weird)
Banned because Ultra Pro is a brand that makes the deck protectors and penny sleeves you put your cards in and sleeve pages are those 9 pocket pages where you put/hold your cards in and then you put the pages into a binder.
Banned because how does nobody know what Ultra Pro is? Afro, back me and Ramsey up here. xD
Doubly banned because I find it funny how the Brit is the only one to say RIP Steve Jobs. :/
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