Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because he had a rotator of Gyaradoses for a while.
ramsey1993 said:
Banned because i was joking about the age thing if you couldn't tell lol
Double banned because I'm sure i can find someone younger, but that requires a lot of time and profile stalking lol.
Banned because I found a 9-year-old on here. And Zade is only 10, but he's awesome anyway.
supergamerfreak said:
Banned 'cause I lost track and I don't know how to view it.

Double Banned 'cause if they did count the game corner posts, I would have probably have 300+.
Banned because ugghhhh.
dragonexpert said:
Banned because I can get by without my glasses.
Banned because goodness, does anyone of you guys not have glasses?
Oh, and I always catch up on every ban I missed. In this case, it was loads.
Banned because the PB chat was interesting tonight.
Double banned because everyone calls you Vex now. Heh.
Triple banned because Zyflair and Ganon made me look up Futa. Ugh.
Quadruple banned because I've changed my avatar a lot over the past few days.
Quintuple banned because it's been a good week.
Banned because goodness, does anyone of you guys not have glasses?
Oh, and I always catch up on every ban I missed. In this case, it was loads.

Banned because


My glasses are awesome

Double banned because those aren't my glasses :/
Banned because I don't really have anything I could put back in my signature or how I could make it better. Rotators don't always work and they're a hassle. I like to keep it simple and clean. :3

dmaster out.
Banned because looking good, catutie. ;)
Doubly banned because I just joined The Smashers for the tourney, but I can't do much today. :/
Triply banned because even on the help thread, I still couldn't successfully add a rotator. So I gave up and I'm using Shadow still, even though he will never be revealed.
Banned because you just proved a point

Double banned because those are women's sunglasses

Triple banned because it proves that I only look good in women's sunglasses :/
And Zade is only 10, but he's awesome
Banned because I met Zade on PO, he wondered why I was so good (If I recall, I narrowly beat him, so that's a stretch), and I linked him to PokeBeach. In other words, he's here b/c he wanted to be a better player. Awesome=/=Zade. UNLIMITLESS AWESOME=Zade.
Banned because I just woke up, double banned because I'm going to go take a shower.
Banned because I was one of the few users back in 2008 that commonly posted in color.
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