Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I am adding you to my Buddy List.

Double banned because I'm on a banned person's Friend List(not Buddy List). Here's a few hints:
1)Posted spam thread in Nationals to ask where sillykyle! is
2)Name starts with G
3)Name ends in HJamesGH

Oh wait...grrr, why do I keep doing that?
Banned because TDL and Hyperbeem now mod the video game section.
Double banned because congrats.
Banned because you have not recruited me just kidding I'm not cut out to be a mod plus I like being just a member
Banned because I was going to go to sleep, but someone didn't kick the troll off chat until thirty minutes of trolling, so now I have a horrible headache because of him. >:[
Banned because of getting modded while I was working at Nats. Double banned because I met Afro-G, Zangoose, Rivallz, PokeKid Brandon there amongst others from PB.
Banned because Rivallz is an awesome person.

Double banned because he goes to the place I go for tournaments and I saw him at VGC
Banned because you confirmed that Afro has an afro.
Double banned for not getting pics of that.

Tripple banned because I got DOUBLE NINJAD

Quad banned because dragonexpert got DOUBLE NINJAD
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