Finished The Ban Game

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HypnoticLuxray said:
Banned because in case anyone cared,

Double banned because pain is a censor.
Banned because I TOLD YOU it was EPF. And he just admitted to multiple accounts, which means that he did make Sheer Force and Shiny Wing. Otherwise, how'd he know about them?
Bippa201 said:
Banned because why'd you use the Randomizer... :[

Double banned because ninja'd.
Banned because apparently Guy and his randomiser were the death of me. I hope that the mutiny is successful.
Bippa201 said:
Banned because I don't know you're name BrOkenICE.
Banned because I know it. It's similar to one of his OCs. You should look at peoples bios.
Banned because I also know Broken's name

Double banned because broken owes me a book

Triple banned because I will hold it over him until he sends it to me

Quadruple banned because I'm getting a new phone in a few hours ^_^
Banned because yeah.
Duo-Banned because I love my new room.
Tri-Banned because my Mom didn't even tell me I had school today.
Quad-Banned because I didn't go because of that.

Banned because I know it. It's similar to one of his OCs. You should look at peoples bios.
Banned because it is?
Banned because I went to Verizon today

Double banned because I bought a phone, case, and screen protector

Triple banned because I have all of those in my possession except the phone itself :p

Quadruple banned because it's being shipped to me
Banned because I TOLD YOU it was EPF. And he just admitted to multiple accounts, which means that he did make Sheer Force and Shiny Wing. Otherwise, how'd he know about them?

Banned because he never admitted Sheer Force, but he did admited Shiny Wing and Shining Dragon quite some time ago.
Banned because I wish I had more time to start making Neo Gym blanks for the set.
Banned because HOLY CRAP!! how do you sleep in until 3!
Double banned because wait... Is this a joke.
Banned because dragonexpert takes naps, double banned because it's almost 7 PM in dragonexpert land.
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