BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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Anyone up for a quick battle? Single of course. I'm using Plat so that FC is in my Profile. PM me if you're intersted.
I'm going to be asking a bit of a n00bish question here I'm sure, but I'm looking for a battle, but I see for the "standard battle" it's 'Auto Level 100'.

I've never battled over Wi-Fi before, and my main team is all above 50, but non at 100. Could someone please explain the exact meaning of Auto level 100. It sounds similar to how the levels are capped at lv. 50 in the battle tower, but instead increased to 100. Help please!
Narctiss said:
I'm going to be asking a bit of a n00bish question here I'm sure, but I'm looking for a battle, but I see for the "standard battle" it's 'Auto Level 100'.

I've never battled over Wi-Fi before, and my main team is all above 50, but non at 100. Could someone please explain the exact meaning of Auto level 100. It sounds similar to how the levels are capped at lv. 50 in the battle tower, but instead increased to 100. Help please!

It is it just gives your pokemon the advantage or better abiltity of having a better chance of winning.

I'll battle Eevee Freak!
It is it just gives your pokemon the advantage or better abiltity of having a better chance of winning.
Alright, I think I get it, but I'm not sure XD.

So, if I were to go to the Wi-Fi club, set up an invite for a Single Lv.100 match, that would work?
I'm sorry if I sound stupid asking more x__X.
Yeah, when you go DOWNSTAIRS, to the middle lady, the pokemon in battle will be set to Lv 100 regardless of their actaul levels.

I'll take you up on your challenge. FC in sig. Let me know.
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