BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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Anyone want to battle?*points at Cresselia, then subjects it to a super effective, critical hit, one hit KO*
Looking for a standard battle, or someone who will do a UU battle with me. Let me know which you prefer.
Okay, stop asking for a battle here. Do that in a private message. Remember What Gamercal said. Asking for a battle, and not adding anything else to it is just spam. So please take this to a private message, or the battle now thread.
But this is the battle now thread.My computer stinks!The desktop is old.wait this is the battle now thread.
palkia dialga clash said:
But this is the battle now thread.My computer stinks!The desktop is old.wait this is the battle now thread.

Oops, my bad. I thought this was the Rising Suns Clan. Sorry for that. I really need to look at the titles better ^^;
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