BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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Shoddy anyone? I have 2 brand new teams I'd like to try-out. I'm on the official server as Wolf II. If you want to battle and I don't know your username, post it here. ;)
I'll battle you wolf. I'm not really a fan of shoddy, but i don't want to miss out on a challenge. My name on shoddy is "Not Pikachu"
Shoddy anyone? I'm on the Smogon Server as Wolf II, and have a newly built team from this morning I'm testing out.
Who wants to battle?

FC 4124 2219 0386

Rules: Lv100 Preset, Ubers allowed if I can use them.

1. I will set up a time to battle with you. You can help me by telling me what times you are avaliable to battle during the next three days.

2. I will not trade Pokemon in my team.

3. Friendlyness applies on PokeBeach, and it applies during our conncetion on Wifi.
Who wants to battle?

FC 4124 2219 0386

Rules: Lv100 Preset, Ubers allowed if I can use them.

1. I will set up a time to battle with you. You can help me by telling me what times you are avaliable to battle during the next three days.

2. I will not trade Pokemon in my team.

3. Friendlyness applies on PokeBeach, and it applies during our conncetion on Wifi.

I'll be happy to battle you, Ubers are fine aslong as we play with the other rules like sleep, species clause ect. Friend code is in my sig. As for time, if lucky it might be today, if not tuesday night would do.
I'm on the Smogon server and up for a battle to test out my new time :].

I'm Gale, by the way =]
I want to battle someone on Wi-Fi. Standard rules apply:

Battle Rules:

1. Format: The following format will be used for all battles:
Auto Lv. 100
6 on 6

2. Clauses: The following clauses will be use for all battles:

Species Clause: You must use six different Pokémon on your
team. You can't have two Chimchars on your team.

Self-KO Clause: You cannot use moves like Explosion or Destiny
Bond on your last Pokémon if it will force a tie.

Sleep Clause: You can only put to sleep one Pokémon on an
opponent's side at any time. If you use Spore to put one Pokémon
asleep, you cannot use it again to put another Pokémon asleep
until the first one wakes up.

Freeze Clause: If at anytime two different Pokémon are frozen
on a player's field, then the player that froze the two Pokémon

Evasion Clause: Moves that specifically increase evasion are
banned. Double Team is an example of a banned move.

OHKO Clause: Moves that have a chance of OHKOing a Pokémon are
banned. An example is Sheer Cold.

Hax Item Clause: No hax items can be used. The following are
Hax items:

- Bright Powder
- Focus Band
- King's Rock
- Lax Incense
- Lucky Punch
- Quick Claw
- Razor Claw
- Razor fang
- Scope Lens
- Stick

Uber Clause: The following Pokemon are banned:

- Arceus
- Darkrai
- Deoxys
- Deoxys - F
- Deoxys - L
- Dialga
- Garchomp
- Giratina
- Groudon
- Ho-Oh
- Kyogre
- Latias
- Latios
- Lugia
- Manaphy
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Palkia
- Rayquaza
- Wobbuffet

Disconnecting: The following is an explanation of different
disconnecting circumstances:

Lag: If a disconnection is accompanied by lag, the
disconnection will result in a rematch. The player winning the
match at the time of the disconnection will admit to the lag
during the match. If lag was present prior to the disconnection,
there will be a rematch.

Intentional: If a disconnection is unaccompanied by lag, the
disconnection will result in a decision. The player winning the
match at the time of the disconnection will be given the win if
the disconnection had any correlation to any circumstance in the
game that could've been unfavorable to the person losing. The same
can be said for someone losing the game, but making a comeback.
The match will be determined based on its particular
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