BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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Looking for a 6vs6 battle. I'd prefer to fight either NFE, UU or BL but I can always fight Standard or Uber if anyone wants to. You can either post in this thread or PM me if you accept my challenge :p
Good game, didn't expect Palkia and Giratina though :S. Anyways thanks for letting me test my Dragonite and seeing how it did.
Oh my gosh! I didn't see the list of banned Pokemon. Sorry. You flattened me. That early Outrage kills. It took out my best Pokemon (Alakazam). Good game to you, too.
Nice battle joe!. Sorry about the Giritina. I could have sworn I took him out after my last match, after reading the rules again, I didn't want to have an unfair victory, so I ran. Sorry again.
Battle anyone, Garchomp and Deo-s Are banned incase anyone needs comfirmation of this XD I also refuse to play any poke with an event move, or fight against a strictly event poke unless it's legitly captured.

4124 7670 7210
Standard Battle, with standard rules. PM me with your friend code. Oh, and for those of you who played me yesterday: I have a new (and hopefully better) team, with the Uber problem sorted out (this means I have no Ubers).
I would like to battle someone on wifi, standard rules. My friend code is in my signiture.
Sure. My FC is 5197 9495 7259. I'm new at this, so you'll probably crush me :p.

Good game. I can't believe that spikes wiped out my last 3 Pokemon! Did you EV train that Infernape?
Good Game. You mean stealth rocks, it was a good thing I blocked your rapid spin because I never saw it coming. Of coure my Infernape is EV trained, it would be rubbish otherwise. :D
joe! said:
Standard battle anyone? Standard rules. My FC is on my signature.

I will battle you Joe. Meet me on Wi-Fi. My friendcode is in my signature.
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