The best card ever created

in the unlimited format? ok well I think it is the Energy Evolution Evee from UF,the Quick Search Pidgeot,and the Smooth Over Macargo! imo
Pidgeot FRLG, Blastoise base Set, Alakazam Base Set, Mew ex LM, and Macargo DX.
ok im guna sound noob but w.e

Evee with the energy thing
Gardevoir RS (i love that card)
Potion. So you never die.

But then again. Super Potion - then you would like, never die, like, forever.

In all seriousness...Krucifier's top ten cards of all time, counting down from 10 to 1;

10) Magcargo - EX: Deoxys - 'Smooth Over'. This was a great card that allowed you to control what you drew. And...Well...It combo'd with anything that drew, be it Pokemon (Like Swampert d (Crystal Guardians) or trainers like TV Reporter.)

9) Dunsparnce - EX: SandStorm. This brilliant card allowed you to build up a bench quickly. Not much else it was good for though.

8) Jirachi - EX: Hidden Legends. A great card but not deserving of a higher place. It allowed you to evolve any of your Pokemon but you had to place a damage counter on Jirachi.

7) Energy Removal/Super Energy Removal - Base Set. Energy Removal allowed you to remove one of your opponents energy cards, whilst Super Energy Removal let you remove 2, but you had to discard one of your own. Both were pretty neat.

6) Prof. Oak - Base Set. This card made you discard your hand to draw 7 cards. Pretty nifty. Not much else about it though...Ehehe...

5) Pidgeot - EX: Firered Leafgreen. This miraculous card allowed you to search your deck for any card you wanted. Pretty neat, huh?

4) Krucifier. HEY! I deserved a spot in the top 10. ^_^.

3) Gardevoir Ex - EX: SandStorm. This card...Was and still to this day, is AMAZING. There are no other words for it. For 2 energy - you could place damage counters equal to the amount of cards in your opponents hand on your opponents active Pokemon. It's second attack...For 4 Energy, You did 10 damage for each energy on the entire field...

2) Mew Ex -EX: Legend Maker. This awesome card has the amazing PokeBody of being able to copy any move in play. Sounds pretty 'versatile' don't you think? (Yeah, bad pun, I know.) It's has decent HP and has a pretty neato second attack too...

1) Slowking - Neo Genesis. This card. Is the cream of the crop. This card is why the game got absolutely killed. Due to a mistranslation Slowking became...Godlike, your opponent practically could not play any trainer cards at all unless they were extremely lucky...
Im definetly going with Pigeot (leaf green/fire red) searching for what ever card you wanted???? AWESOME!!!! it changed the whole game around when it was rotated!
Krucifier, Pokémon Breeder doesn't search anything. It has to be in your hand.

Basic Pokémon, without them, you can't play at all. Otherwise, Pidgeot RG or Nidoqueen RG.
Ex Dragon18 said:
Krucifier, Pokémon Breeder doesn't search anything. It has to be in your hand.

Basic Pokémon, without them, you can't play at all. Otherwise, Pidgeot RG or Nidoqueen RG.

I have no idea what you are talking about...;)
Blastoise and Suicune Ex would like to have a word with you, Kruciboy. As does Sneasel. And Erika's Jigglypuff. And Double Colorless Energy.
Like Kucifier, I'm going to do my top 10.

10-Wailord ex (EX Sandstorm)-Very high HP, and unless attacked with amnesia, or affected by Asleep or Parylis, retreat for 1 Energy plus removes 3 damage counters.

9-Brock's Ninetales (Gym Challange)-Pokemon Power changes Brock's Ninetales to an evolution card in your hand.

8-Cressation Crystal (EX Crystal Guardians)-Removes your opponent's Poke-Powers and Poke-bodies, plus removes your own pesky Poke-Bodies of Team Aqua's Kyogre and Team Magma's Groudon.

7-Xatu (Secret Wonders)-Poke-Power moves a Specal Condition from your active Pokemon to the Defending Pokemon.

6-Pidgeot (EX FireRed & LeafGreen)-Poke-Power searches deck for any one card.

5-Celebi (Skyridge)-With combination of Crystal Type and Empethic Healing, keep attaching Different Energy to heal all benched Pokemon.

4-Garchomp Lv.X (Japan DP Promo)-Brings back Pokemon from the Discard Pile.

3-Team Rocket's Meowth (EX Team Rocket Returns)-With really good coin flips and no Giant Stump in play, 160 damage for 1 of any energy.

2-Charizard ex (EX FireRed & LeafGreen)-200 damage for a Boost and a Double Colorless Energy.

1-Mothim (Japan DP Promo)-If you have the 3 different Wormadam on the bench, and if the defending Pokemon is Grass-weak and EX Power Keepers or before, that's 180 damage for 1 Grass Energy!