The Best HG/SS Prerelease Combos?

Durp. I need to read front page stories more often.
Persian - discard opponents cards and does 60 for 2!

Hitmontop – 1 energy Flip 3 coins, this attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

Sudowoodo – 20 X number of fighting energy

And to top it off… my biggest want for the PR tourney ---

... E x e g g u t o r !
● Energy Absorption: Attach up to 2 Energy cards from your discard pile to Exeggutor.
● Big Eggsplosion: Flip a coin for each Energy attached to Exeggutor. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads
Some cards I'm hoping for are Pokémon Collector, Fisherman, Pokémon Communicator, Professor Elm’s Training Method, Professor Oak's New Theory, and of course, Double Coloress Energy.

I like the look of Noctowl, Donphan & Feraligatr Prime obviously, Sudowoodo, Exeggutor, and quite a few of the Grass-types. If I can build a Water and/or Fighting Deck with some of those cards I'll be very happy and feel I have a good chance at winning. But there's also a good chance for people who manage to get some Fire-type combo's going on with Typhlosion and Arcanine for solid damage, or adding in Ampharos to get some Energy rolling. Psychic will also be quite big if people get the right cards.

Does anyone have an official set-list of the English version yet? I think all I know that's cut is the Crobat line and Ursaring line.. But I'm sure we're only getting about 123 cards as compared with Japan's 150 or so, and those cut cards only amount to about seven...
Soul Seeker said:
I'll sig that :D

Don't spam.

dmaster out.

Dont sig me :(. Anyway Jumpluff probably won't accomplish anything in this format. With the release of DCE, so many decks have become as fast as Jumpluff but have so much more versatility and HP. a stage 2 with practically the same HP as an SP... no thanks. It doesn't have great type coverage. Plus the pre-evolved forms won't be able to survive. In dialga lock it will suffer and also in spiritomb.
I would say that the best "combo" is to have Pokemon that attack for 2 or less, and have at least 1 Colorless Energy in their attack. also, if you get any Stantler that will be a big bonus.
We should have scans of this one Friday/Saturday right?? I wish I knew what was going to be in the set since were getting a second set before the REAL set 2. Also I haven't looked at the HGSS cards a lot. From what I've seen Frialigator Prime and Jumpluff look good. Anything with DCE will be awesome.
No offense to jumpluff, but it's a stage 2 with 90 hp, sure, you kill 1 or 2 pokemon, then i kill you. its good for prereleases, but i dont see its potential, flygons better =D
kashmaster said:
don't sig me :(. Anyway Jumpluff probably won't accomplish anything in this format. With the release of DCE, so many decks have become as fast as Jumpluff but have so much more versatility and HP. a stage 2 with practically the same HP as an SP... no thanks. It doesn't have great type coverage. Plus the pre-evolved forms won't be able to survive. In dialga lock it will suffer and also in spiritomb.
weavile132 said:
No offense to jumpluff, but it's a stage 2 with 90 hp, sure, you kill 1 or 2 pokemon, then i kill you. its good for prereleases, but i don't see its potential, flygons better =D

With Shaymin and belt, the thing should have 150 HP, doing a minimum of 90 damage for your pokemon accounted for alone, when you get your full bench. THEN count your opponents claydol. Thats 100. Then count your opponents main attacker. 110. So w/ belt, your side of the field, and just claydol and your opponents main attacker, you have 110 damage for 1. Not that good? How about the fact that it is INSANELY fast?
weavile132 said:
No offense to jumpluff, but it's a stage 2 with 90 hp, sure, you kill 1 or 2 pokemon, then i kill you. its good for prereleases, but i don't see its potential, flygons better =D

I don't know if you noticed... but this is a "The Best HG/SS Prerelease Combos?" topic. XDDDD
weavile132 said:
No offense to jumpluff, but it's a stage 2 with 90 hp, sure, you kill 1 or 2 pokemon, then i kill you. its good for prereleases, but i don't see its potential, flygons better =D

Ok, as you said, Jumpluff can knock out 2 of your pokemon then you knock out my Jumpluff??? Ok? That makes no sense... Ok, so you knock out my Jumpluff, I already have another one to send out and destroy the pokemon you sent out. Everytime I run it, I have another Jumpluff on the bench, and when that one gets knocked out, I have another one sitting on bench...

And to Dialga G killing me? or Spiritomb ruining me? Pfft yeah right... Neither have put me in a lock for more than 2 turns... (Specifically Dialga) I always run Pachi, so bye bye E gains for you? so no more turn 1 Deafen when I knock it out next turn with a jumpluff...

So I think Jumpluff will dominate with Pichu, and so will Donphan... Technically anything that can hit hard fast, is going to win at the pre releases... (If only Id pulled any of those...)