• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Standard The best Volc


Volcanion Trainer

4 Volcanion
4 Volcanion EX
2 Tapu Lele GX

4 Cynthia
4 Sycamore
4 Guzma
3 N


4 Ultra Ball
4 Professor’s Letter
3 Energy Retrieval
1 Super Rod
1 Energy Recycler
1 Field Blower
3 Float Stone
3 Fighting Fury Belt


3 Brooklet Hill

12 Basic Fire
i think you have overkill on certain things. too many prof letters. why not use staryu/starmie (evo) to get stuff back especially when you are playing brooklet hill. this way you can cut down on energy retrievals, letters, and take out the recycler. you can add in more utility cards to disrupt or deny your opponent. E-Hammers, more field blowers since this deck HATES garbotoxin
i think you have overkill on certain things. too many prof letters. why not use staryu/starmie (evo) to get stuff back especially when you are playing brooklet hill. this way you can cut down on energy retrievals, letters, and take out the recycler. you can add in more utility cards to disrupt or deny your opponent. E-Hammers, more field blowers since this deck HATES garbotoxin
This and Elixirs. Ho-oh also resisting fighting while having a much higher damage cap is pretty needed. And the 1-of Kiawe never hurt Volc.
You may want to cut down to 2 brooklet hill. I don't see the point in playing 3 of a stadium that you're only going to use to get volcanion EX out. I think you need to add in another field blower because you need steam up to ohko things and one field blower won't cut it against garb.