I haven't read this whole thread but this card really caught my attention as well.
I think the 3 fossil cards are meant to work together. Maybe not the best combo in the world but you can really see it. Aerodactyle places the initial damage down for Kabutops, Kabutops spreads the damage, and Omastar devolves for some KOs. Very straightforward combo here... and it works very well with the PK counterparts. Devolve with Omastar DP4, pull it to the active slot with Kabutops PK for an Evo-Lock.
A very simple staple for this card that caught my eye, and could be the combo itself altogether, is Zapdos DP4. Yes, there's a coinflip unfortunately, but that doesn't mean you fail all of the time. With SSUs, you'll eventually get it. Plus, it's basic. 2 of those and 4 SSUs can get you some massive damage spreads. Absol EX can move that around and also works well with SSUs. If you choose to use Omastar DP4 as well, that also goes with SSUs. Never hurts to save yourself with an SSU, and having a Fossil Basic sorta hurts, so you don't gotta worry about grabbing another one if you scoop it.
Can you tell I wanna play this? >_>