Considering Switch to Japanese
Hello everyone,
I'm considering switching from English to Japanese cards. I've done a lot of searching online and on this forum and think I've found a good amount of information on English vs Japanese cards, like:
- Cheaper boxes
- Better Pull Rates per box? Or, similar pull rates to English boxes, despite having less cards?
- Better quality, glossier cards (I have always preferred the backs on Japanese cards, too)
- Smaller sets (although, I guess it depends on the set), but could you almost complete a set with one or two Japanese boxes the way you could with one English box?
Some things I still would like some more information on:
- The thing about English sets is that I could sell off all my bulk to sites like Troll and Toad (except Exs/Full Arts, etc I'd sell on eBay instead). Is there any site I could do the same with Japanese cards? I really do NOT want to end up stuck with a ton of duplicates.
Also, paying $90-$95 on my last box (was my first, too), I sold the code cards and am selling off most Exs/Full Arts I don't want (more so if I didn't get some Ex/FA cards I wanted and would buy as singles), and then bulk sell the duplicates. Would it be worth getting Japanese sets if I spent about the same in Japanese boxes?
- Reverse Holos: I kinda like them, but are they even existent in Japanese sets? I guess I could always purchase reverse holo English cards of cards I REALLY want, if I have to. It may also be worth the less expensive box price to just give them up (even though I do like them xD).
- Pricing: If I am missing a few rarer cards that I really want from a set, how are prices in Japanese vs English cards on sites like eBay, and what are other places I could buy singles from at good prices? I've noticed that in one case I saw, the Japanese cards were cheaper, but am not sure if that is the case all or some of the time.
I think that's pretty much it. I'm really leaning towards making the switch, but am still thinking about it. Any info would be helpful! Thanks!