Collecting The "Card Collector Help" Thread

RE: Best place to buy EU English Language XY era Jumbo cards?

Look at Looks like they have 3 of the 4 still.
RE: Best place to buy EU English Language XY era Jumbo cards?

Perfect! Hopefully I'll get a big enough Income Tax Return Check to buy them or buy them later this year :)
RE: Best place to buy EU English Language XY era Jumbo cards?

I'm not sure exactly which products you're looking for, but given how low the Euro dropped compared to the American dollar recently, you might also have luck looking on Eurozone sites. One that I'm familiar with is Spellenhuis, which accepts Paypal. The downside to Eurozone sites versus the UK is that most sites won't be in English, but your money will probably go further, and that's what Google Translate is for anyway. :p Something to keep in mind for the future at least.
RE: Best place to buy EU English Language XY era Jumbo cards?

Products im looking for are Boxs that had Jumbo cards of :

M Charizard Y
M Charizard X

Preferably I would just buy the Jumbo card separate but if I can afford it I'll just buy the box it came in.
RE: Collecting Again

I've just started collecting the cards again. I have all of the base XY set which was expensive to acquire some of those full arts.

However right now i'm just collecting all 718/721. I bought a bunch of packs to get me started and now whenever a new set is released i buy the cards i need to help me achieve the pokedex completion individually off chaos cards or ebay.

I will also buy some fullarts if i really like the design and can afford them. Currently after the FA dragonite from furious fists.
The XY base set full art prices are nothing compared to some of the later ones. Especially the Charizard stuff.

As a pokedex card collector though I'd like to know how you approach doing that. Are you only sticking to the XY stuff or are you going back to other sets for stuff that might not be in XY? Are you doing double types, like for example Dedenne being electric and fairy, do you use both or just one, and if just one how do you determine which one to use? How (if at all) are you handling mega Pokemon? If you have a regular card (like for example Gallade) then does that mean you don't worry about Gallade EX (a recent promo)?

Also if anyone has an idea on getting the jumbos of the Charizards, Yveltal and Xerneas, I wouldn't mind hearing it either. I'm considering chasing the jumbos I don't have.
RE: Considering Switch to Japanese

Athena said:
You'll have to take a look at the cards in the set and come to a conclusion when you get there. You typically get 3 RR or better cards per box and 7 holos* per box, so a single box of each set in a double-set will not typically get you all holos/RR/etc., but it will get you most, and buying a second of each is no guarantee that you'll get anything aside from a bunch of duplicates (case in point, my second Tidal Storm box ended up being entirely duplicates of all holos and EXes from my previous box/sets, with the exception of the Sharpedo FA that I pulled). So, you might be missing a few, but that's what trades are for. Getting those promo sets might get you some of those missing cards (I got an Archie FA from one of my Metagross sets!), or some duplicates for trade fodder, but without the full investment of an entire extra box. However, if there's a lot of cards you're missing, or there's a lot of your favourites in the set, a second box might not be bad once in a while, especially since duplicates you do get can be good trade fodder.

For what it's worth, I feel like I'm kind of like you, in that I'm the type of collector who doesn't need to complete a set or get all the cards. I have certain Pokémon and cards I look for and enjoys collecting and trading, but for the most part I'm happy with my boxes (unless I get royally screwed) and I enjoying seeing if I can find trades for the cards and Pokémon I'm missing.

(* - sometimes it's 4/6, and I've heard people who have ended up with 11 premium cards instead of 10, but I've never seen or head of less than 10 personally, nor 2/8 split)

I guess that is true in that boxes won't guarantee you won't get duplicates in rares. I may follow the route of getting less right now and see how things work out. Because I collect what I can and what I want, I may try for trading first for what I need to get because I've calculated I have 670 cards to sell as bulk right now (from just two different English boxes!) and I'm never letting that happen again. It's too tiring for me to only keep about 100 cards and have 260 extras I won't be using. ^^'

For the ratios, I know Full Arts in Japanese sets are secret rares and you aren't guaranteed them as with English sets, but I don't think that's a bad ratio and may be fine for me. :)
Will N be Reprinted?

I've noticed while reading a few Pokemon blogs that the staple N is really a reprint of Team Rocket Admin. Do you think this gives a chance for PTCG to print a reprint N for the next format in one of the upcoming sets? If so, is there any notable Supporters that could work well for the reprint?
RE: Will N be reprinted?

I think that unfortunately, we won't see it for years. See how long it took to make a functional reprint of Rocket's Admin.
RE: Will N be reprinted?

N itself will not be reprinted. Maybe we'll get a card that replicates its effects, as N did with Admin, though. I get the feeling we will get some sort of multi-use draw supporters in the upcoming few sets though, since the next rotation will remove all our current ones. Whether this will be cards like N, or closer to cards like Buck's Training or Team Rocket's Trickery, who knows. I'm leaning towards the latter personally.
Usually a villain set only gets reprinted one time every 10 ish years or so. The old Team Rocket set was reprinted with the same trainers but there were different Pokemon with different move sets. and then there were the Team Magma and Aqua Pokemon. Those should be reprinted soon if they have not already been reprinted. But yeah they only reprint sets if there are remakes for Games and D/P should be next after gen 7 so expect those sets in the future as well.:)
Hi, i was wondering if any of you guys know where i can buy Japanese booster boxes from instead of amiami as there shipping is a bit high and only offer express EMS. Maybe somewhere where i can buy in bulk (10+ boxes) or even if someone sells them on pokebeach, thanks. :D
AmiAmi certainly offers much more than EMS. I myself always ship from them with SAL (which they offer both registered and unregistered), and they also offer an Air Small Packet service, which is a speed between the two.

That said, if you're still looking for an alternate purchase site, you've got a couple options. PokePhD is a seller here on PokéBeach who sells recent Japanese booster boxes for reasonable prices, and his prices also include shipping within the US. Your other best bet would be Ebay; boxes are usually sold for inflated prices on Ebay, but sometimes you can get good deals.
Athena said:
AmiAmi certainly offers much more than EMS. I myself always ship from them with SAL (which they offer both registered and unregistered), and they also offer an Air Small Packet service, which is a speed between the two.

That said, if you're still looking for an alternate purchase site, you've got a couple options. PokePhD is a seller here on PokéBeach who sells recent Japanese booster boxes for reasonable prices, and his prices also include shipping within the US. Your other best bet would be Ebay; boxes are usually sold for inflated prices on Ebay, but sometimes you can get good deals.

How much cheaper and slower is SAL compared to EMS, also the same for Air Small Packet, thanks!
AmiAmi offers time and price estimates for all of their shipping options on the Shipping part of their FAQ.

However, I do find that their time estimates are on the high side. They say that SAL shipments usually take 2-5 weeks, but the last SAL shipment that I received arrived in 8 days. If you order during peak shipping times (such as around Christmas), shipments will likely take longer. If you live in a country that would possibly charge customs fees for the order (like here), that may also add to your time. The longest shipment time I ever had was over Christmas where shipping took longer and so did customs processing because of the large amounts of shipments and it took about a month, but 2 weeks or a bit less is my typical shipping time for SAL orders to the EU.

Prices are based on weight. A single booster box fits into the "Up to .5kg" row, so depending on where you live, you could pay as low ¥480-680 (for the cheapest option, SAL with no tracking). Assuming you're in the US or Europe (like most of our members), that comes out to about US$4.93 or €4,37 for those areas (at current conversion rates). My recent XY5 shipment of 2 boxes was in the "Up to .8kg" row. Etc. You can obviously choose to pay more to track your SAL orders, or move up to the Air Small Packet service, though I do not have personal experience with Air Small Packet. EMS is obviously the fastest and also includes tracking, but it is of course the most expensive, significantly moreso than their other options.
Hi everyone, first post here
I have a couple quick questions that have probably been answered before but i cant find any answers.
Anyway, firstly should i buy a phantom forces booster box now before primal clash comes out or after? Will it be cheaper once the new set comes out?
And secondly where is the cheapest and or most trustworthy place to buy older booster packs such as ex dragon frontiers boosters preferably in australia or places that offer cheap shipping to australia? I have searched ebay over and over again but everyone wants ridiculously high amounts for them.
Thirdly does anyone know where i can get a 2006 rayquaza holiday tin? Nowhere seems to have them
I recently just got back into collecting so im still finding everything.
Thanks in advance
Athena said:
AmiAmi offers time and price estimates for all of their shipping options on the Shipping part of their FAQ.

However, I do find that their time estimates are on the high side. They say that SAL shipments usually take 2-5 weeks, but the last SAL shipment that I received arrived in 8 days. If you order during peak shipping times (such as around Christmas), shipments will likely take longer. If you live in a country that would possibly charge customs fees for the order (like here), that may also add to your time. The longest shipment time I ever had was over Christmas where shipping took longer and so did customs processing because of the large amounts of shipments and it took about a month, but 2 weeks or a bit less is my typical shipping time for SAL orders to the EU.

Prices are based on weight. A single booster box fits into the "Up to .5kg" row, so depending on where you live, you could pay as low ¥480-680 (for the cheapest option, SAL with no tracking). Assuming you're in the US or Europe (like most of our members), that comes out to about US$4.93 or €4,37 for those areas (at current conversion rates). My recent XY5 shipment of 2 boxes was in the "Up to .8kg" row. Etc. You can obviously choose to pay more to track your SAL orders, or move up to the Air Small Packet service, though I do not have personal experience with Air Small Packet. EMS is obviously the fastest and also includes tracking, but it is of course the most expensive, significantly moreso than their other options.

Thankyou so much, i will definitely try out SAL on my next order to hopefully save a few bucks!

Once again i much appreciate your help
wogzt90 said:
Athena said:
AmiAmi certainly offers much more than EMS. I myself always ship from them with SAL (which they offer both registered and unregistered), and they also offer an Air Small Packet service, which is a speed between the two.

That said, if you're still looking for an alternate purchase site, you've got a couple options. PokePhD is a seller here on PokéBeach who sells recent Japanese booster boxes for reasonable prices, and his prices also include shipping within the US. Your other best bet would be Ebay; boxes are usually sold for inflated prices on Ebay, but sometimes you can get good deals.

How much cheaper and slower is SAL compared to EMS, also the same for Air Small Packet, thanks!

omahanime said:
Shipping cost on 4 boxes

EMS : 3,840 JPY - $37.29
Air Small Packet : 2,970 JPY - $28.86
SAL Small Packet (Registered) : 2,390 JPY - $23.21
SAL Small Packet (Unregistered) : 1,980 JPY - $19.22
SAL Parcel : 3,735 JPY - $36.25

EMS for me is 3-5 days
SAL Small Packet (Registered) is 2-3 weeks
Both elite trainer kits guide books for sets like XY Base, Primal Clash Have the same content inside but just different covers right?
Has anyone bothered to catalogue all of the bonus'ORAS promo art cards in Gaia Volcano/Tidal Storm? (The ones with the info for the game event mons on the back)

I kind of want to collect them as having the game art in my hands is kinda neat