Finished The Challenge III - 3 Teams, 3 Twists, 3 Times the Fun!

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How the heck are Hurricanes at a disadvantage? It's an even playing field for all. If anyone's at a disadvantage, Suns are.
Um, you're not part of our team; you wouldn't know that two of our players are without internet until at least August. Also we have some players that don't pay enough attention to PB (no offense CFOUR).
Meaning that while the other teams have six active (or at least active enough), we only have five.
Actually, I am good friends with Blah and Zorua and do know that they are at camp without internet access. That still puts you at 6 players, along with everyone else. Pretty much every team here has somewhat active people, and at least one player that can barely come online.

Oh, and Chillarmy has like a minute left ;]
Is it possible to have another name picked?

Note I'm going to start doing this less frequently, as hopefully more people are online during the day...

Current Status:
Suns of Pokebeach (Groudon):
1. [smod]PMJ[/smod] (Team Captain)
2. [member]ShadowLugia[/member]
3. [member]CarlosDuranJr[/member]
4. [member]Nengeni[/member]
5. [member]The Yoshi[/member]
6. [member]Chillarmy[/member]

Hurricane in Rain (Kyogre):
1. [mod]ComfortEagle[/mod] (Team Captain)
2. [member]oyeah1988[/member]
3. [mod]Zorua[/mod]
4. [mod]Glace[/mod]
5. [member]Afro-G[/member]
6. [member]Blah[/member]
7. [member]CFOURCOLTSFAN[/member]
8. [member]Reshiwott[/member]

The Air Lockers (Rayquaza):
1. [member]Porygon-X[/member] (Team Captain)
2. [member]Infinity[/member]
3. [member]HypnoticLuxray[/member]
4. [member]Mokoko[/member]
5. [member]Matryoshka[/member]
6. [member]Eevee[/member]
I've kinda grown bored of this game so I'm not mad that I'm eliminated but if you guys ever run this game again I would highly suggest against challenges like this. Four hours is too small of a window and heavily biases against anyone with a job or engagement that takes up four hours. I would suggest extending the deadline to one day or (better yet) removing the challenge altogether.
Having a challenge like this would take forever if it would be 1 day per person. I recommend maybe five minutes per person or, as PMJ mentioned, don't do it at all.
I don't mean to sound rude or impatient, but is it possible to get back on track with the challenge? Completing it as it is will take forever anyways.
You know, it's nice to know people pay attention to this thread, congrats to you, now onto the real challenge:

It's a Treasure Hunt!

In this challenge there will be a clue, this clue will lead you to one of my posts, in that post there is a word that the Team Captain must PM to me, and at the end another clue. The first team to send in all of the words in the correct order wins.

Clue 1: Timeline

Tips: Use the Search Button!
Look for only posts from TheGuy.
By correct order, do you mean the words will form a sentence, or the words must be sent in as follows

Clue #1 Potato
Clue #2 Test
Clue #3 Random
Another question / suggestion.

Why aren't normal team members allowed to send in an answer? If our captain is away for the day, or the night, and they aren't able to get on I think normal team members should be able to send answers in.

Instead every challenge ends up being given to whatever captains are able to get online first.

Just a suggestion.
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