TheGuy: Inactive. Good. Semi bad at challenges. Good. Not artsy. Good. Not commited. Good.
RaichuGirl: Inactive. Good. Semi bad at challenges. Good. Not artsy. Good. Commited. Good for now...
Scorched Feathers: Same thing as TheGuy. Only problem is, he's artsy, and he's quite active on the forums.
Eron: I don't need to say much about him. He's going next anyway
MTC: Let's say that TT and KoN are to be voted out in the next two challenges. I'd run to him and rev3rsor.
Rev3rsor: Same thing as Machamp. I struck up a semi-deal with rev3rsor over an alliance back in Challenge 3, where if we were in the same team, we'd make an alliance. Hopefully, he's sticking by it and will vote with me if I need him.
TwistedTurtwig: Twisty, Twisty, Twisty. He's a tough one. Been with him from the start. You should know that. Really my only teammate. Of course, there's Keeper, but keeper is from Outage. My only problem with Twisted: He's too good at challenges. Essay: Great.
Shakespeare Rebus Puzzles: Great
Pass the torch: Active
Challenge 666: Helped, and got quite a few answers
Laugh or lose: Got first in his category
Fakemon: Won, even though he submitted after the deadline
Iambic: Was still alive after it finished (although, lost his advantage)
He's too bloody good. And that's why I don't want to go up against him in the final two.
Keeper of Night: Keeper. Brilliant match for the final two. Not a strategist, and only semi-good at challenges. Super Active, like me. Just enough challenge for me to earn first place, but not enough for me to lose.
Professor Palutena: Please, these aren't opponents. They're obstacles. The opponent is you.