I have several Acetoxyls... actually I lost many of them, I only have on Acetoxyl now. I do have an Alkoxy, but it's broken. My sister had an Anorexy, it meant she stopped eating... this led to some serious Anxiety and Apoplexy... The first thing she ate when stopped being anorexic was an Apteryx! It made her choke though, leading to an Asphyxy leading to Asphyxia. Axiability is a word I don't know what it means though.. I would say this is bad, given my study of Axiology. I love Bobbysox and Bombyx, but don't mix them together... trust me. Bombyx in a Boxberry is best left alone as well, but Boxberry get dismembered by Braxy very easily, which can be caused by a Boxily looking Boxy! My mother has a buxomly buxom, which I believe is also quite Cachexy. I covered by Carboxyl with my Calyx too! This challenge is electrifyingly exciting, so I had a chronaxy! This challenge is convex af... it's giving my a Coxalgy! ;_; My father has both Dyslexia and Dystaxia... I feel sorry for him. Epicalyx the Dystaxia. He also has an Epitaxy, but that is OK. It is difficult for him to keep things in an Eutaxy though. My brother invented the Exabyte! Quite a feat imo. The UK is not an Exarchy btw, just in case you were wondering! I will never take part in Exogamy, do not worry - I don't want to become an Exonym! Expertly, I made this post. Hexapody and Hexarchy are hexagon words, so I like them. Hypoxia is horrible, have you ever had it? My Hyrax did... it really affected her Larynx. She couldn't be at all Laxly, leading to a sever drop in her Laxity. I created a Myxameba the other day, which, along with my Myxedema, was extemely difficult. The Myxoma inside me was about to burst! OH GOD MY DOG HAD A PAROXYSM!!! ;_; This affected the Pharynx horribly, this is almost a Phenoxy! ;_; We even got rid of his Phylaxis for him... he should have just died of the Pyrexia... On another note, I got a shipping of Sardonyx today! ^_^ I'm thinking of putting it on a bad of Saxony, what do you guys think? It's that or Spandex, but I'm afraid that the Spandex will stink of a Styrax, or even several Styraxes! This challenge has been very interesting for different Syntaxes, in particular the axy syntax. It has been taxingly enjoyable, in that odd Taxiway. I just hope Prof P got a Taxpayer for the Taxonomy he will be facing. He better be reading from his Textuary... and eating his Waxberry. I hope it clogs his throat extra Waxily! The plant should take part in Xenogamy - or Xenogeny, I suppose. Plants are interesting, especially the Xylan. Xylocarps have very good Xylans!