The Challenge: Season 5 | Rev3rsor is the Winner!

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RE: The Challenge: Season 5

I have a home!

RE: The Challenge: Season 5

Pokémon gifs? BILLIONS.


Also other gifs.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5


Now, this here is Acrocanthosaurus, a carnivorous theropod closely related to the more commonly-known Allosaurus. It lived during the earlier sections of the Cretaceous Period. Acrocanthosaurus fossils have been found in locations all over the United States, mostly in the Montana-Wyoming area, and its name means "high-spined lizard."
RE: The Challenge: Season 5


You were taking 2 at the same time (Drohn and Athena) which is not allowed.

Oh, and I AGREE rev3rsor.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

Eron said:

You were taking 2 at the same time (Drohn and Athena) which is not allowed.

Oh, and I AGREE rev3rsor.


We get them or you get obliterated.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

Wait, do we have Athena or not? I'm so confus. ;-; If we don't currently have Athena, I agree to let her in. If we already have her, I agree to taking Drohn.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

Ya know, if PG24 actually ENFORCED THE RULES none of the "hurr they picked two peeps, so wai kant I!!?" posts would exist.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

I prefer to watch you guys fight about something so stupid. Oh how I miss this feeling.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

Also calm down. You guys talked about Athena and Drohn while I was working; there's not much I can do to enforce the rules if I can't get online. I let podium 1 slide with that because podium 2 was just as terrible at following the simple rules.

Finish who you're talking about and then don't bring up anyone else. Wait until I give the word on what we're doing next.
RE: The Challenge: Season 5

You know what, we're going ahead with my plan. All talk that went on after Drohn and Athena were added has been dropped (sorry DevinTheWelf :3). From now on, I will bring up the topic on who you guys are to discuss. You are to either agree or disagree in bold tags with what I say.

Podium 1, what do you think of adding DevinTheWelf?

Podium 2, what do you think of adding WanderingWolf?
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