Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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Mora throws a pointy, purple rock at Button B and after a few seconds, Mora's balloon inflates by 1!
Mora throws a pointy, purple rock at Button B and after a few seconds, a siren sound can be heard! It appears all the wiring has been mixed up (although Button E is still broken).

Mora throws a rough, white rock at Button B, but it gets caught in the wind, hits Button A instead and
buttons A, B and C become disabled for three turns!

scattered throws a pointy, purple rock at Button B and his balloon inflates by 1!

Also, during the downtime, we had a bunch of actions from Mora and Keeper (OP has been edited with updates):

Mora throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (fails)
Mora throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (fails)
Mora throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (fails)
Mora throws grey at B
Inflates balloon
Mora throws grey at B
Inflates balloon
Keeper throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (Xerneas)
Mora throws smooth brown at D
Deflates Xerneas.
Keeper throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (Xerneas)
Keeper throws brown at B.
Inflates balloon, fails, Inflates left (Xerneas)
Mora throws brown rock at B
Slips higher and misses
Mora throws brown rock at B
Slips higher and misses
Mora throws grey rock at B
Slips higher and misses
<scattered> Soooo…
<scattered> We have to throw rocks.
<Keeper> ninjas, you’re really running out of ideas.
<bbninjas> Whatever
*scattered throws a rock
<bbninjas> Oh, nothing of worth happened.
<Mora> You sure you aren’t trolling us?
<bbninjas> I never troll.
<steffenka> He... may or may not be lying.
<Celever> And I would know >_>
<bbninjas> It's all about strategy!
<Xerneas> pffftt
<steffenka> Aaaaanyways - much stone tossing later…

<Keeper> Mwahaha!
<Keeper> I’ve inflated my balloon by six
<Keeper> No one can beat me now!
<Keeper> There really is strategy!
<Mora> Oreally
*Mora throws-
*Beachcast error - 402
<steffenka> Oh, it appears we’re having technical difficulties
<steffenka> We’ll get back online in a few hours

<Mora> A few hours!?
<Mora> I don’t have a few hours. ._.
<bbninjas> Let’s use Skype, then.
<Mora> Hooray. .-.
*Mora starts tossing stones and inflating her balloon
<Keeper> Woahwoahwoah
<Keeper> That’s not cool.
*Keeper starts tossing stones too.
<Mora> :[
<Mora> I was gonna be the Trapinch that Stole Christmas :/
<Keeper> Got to be on your toes, mate!

<steffenka> Aaaaaand we’re back live, folks!
<steffenka> A lot of frantic rock throwing ensued while we were down
<steffenka> But we can only have one winner!
<bbninjas> And that winner is Keeper, who just missed the inflation factor of 10!
<bbninjas> Keeper gets 10 coins for winning.

<steffenka> Which means it’s time to get into the rolling!
*Mora rolls a 9.
*Mora is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 1!
*Mora reaches bbninjas!
<bbninjas> G’day!
<bbninjas> Been a bit low on visitors, recently.
<Mora> That’s… unfortunate.
<bbninjas> Sorta. Do you want a star?
<Mora> Yeah, I do actually.
<bbninjas> Cool, got 20 coins?
<Mora> Yeah. *here*
<bbninjas> Sweet - have a star!
*Mora receives a STAR!
<bbninjas> Did you know that this is a battlefiled?
<bbninjas> Despite the barren earth, a war continues to rage.
<Mora> Yes, I did know that.
<bbninjas> Awww :/
<Mora> Bai! o/
<bbninjas> Well, looks like it is time to relocate!
*bbninjas relocates to Red Member’s Base 2!

*scattered rolls a 2.
*scattered is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 1!
*Keeper rolls a 5.
*Keeper is shot by Luispipe8 to Black Member’s Base 2!
*Xerneas rolls a 7.
*Xerneas is shot by Squirtle Squad to Red Moderator’s Base 2!
*Xerneas reaches Vom!
<Xerneas> o/
<Vom> \o
<Vom> I suppose you’re here to steal coins.
<Xerneas> Yup. Steal from Mora, please. :3
<Vom> Will do.
*Xerneas receives 7 coins from Mora through Vom!
*Xerneas reaches bbninjas!
<bbninjas> What, another customer?
<Xerneas> Yup!
<Xerneas> You got Stars for sale, by any chance?
<bbninjas> Indeed I do!
<bbninjas> 20 coins, they cost.
*Xerneas hands over 20 coins and receives a STAR!
<Xerneas> Thanks!

<steffenka> Hey, we got somewhere!
<bbninjas> Indeed we did. I finally got to palm off some Stars! =D
<steffenka> Yeah!
<bbninjas> Let’s get straight to the next minichallenge - Pipe Maze.
<bbninjas> I discovered the beginnings and the ends of a network of pipes underground when hiding that treasure chest.
<bbninjas> I want to know where each pipe leads.
<bbninjas> I also have a second treasure chest.
<bbninjas> So let’s turn this into a minigame!
<bbninjas> Keeper will drop a chest down one of the pipes.
<Mora> And why Keeper?
<bbninjas> I blame the program.
<bbninjas> Anyways, the player on the receiving end of the chest will get the contents. :3
<bbninjas> Unfortunately only Keeper will be doing something this minichallenge.
<bbninjas> But that is the way things works, so…

Pipe Maze
  • Only Keeper will be doing stuff this Challenge.
  • I have an emulator of the Pipe Maze game. In the game, contestants will get to briefly view the pipe network before deciding which of the four entrances they should drop the treasure chest down.
  • I will screenshare my computer over Skype with Keeper, so he can see the pipe network, as well as choose where to drop the treasure chest, doing both live.
  • Pipes are joined with cross sections. The chest will automatically travel along a cross section before it continues its travels downwards to reach the contestants.
  • The winner will be the contestants that the treasure chest reaches.
  • The challenge should be done by the Saturday 3rd of October, 7PM AEST.
Oh, yeah, placings and locations:

<scattered> Why don’t we get to do anything? *pouts*
<bbninjas> Awwwww don’t be like that
<bbninjas> Why don’t you draw me Toad?
<scattered> Okay.
*scattered rushes off
<Keeper> So what exactly do I need to do?
<bbninjas> Drop some treasure down a pipe.
<Keeper> Heh, sounds easy enough.
<bbninjas> Yup
<Keeper> Anyways, I’ll drop it down… the third one. :3
<bbninjas> Coolies!
*Chest is dropped down Pipe 3.
<Keeper> That’s it, that’s it…
<Keeper> Wait, no, why is going to the left?
<Keeper> It’s playing games with me.
<Mora> And it’s defying the laws of phsyics.
<Mora> bb, what is this?
<bbninjas> Nintendo logic.
<Celever> Oh lookie, the treasure chest has reached a contestant!
<bbninjas> Ooooo
<bbninjas> scattered got the chest!
<Xerneas> Awwww. I thought doing nothing could be advantageous.
<bbninjas> Nintendo logic. ;)
<bbninjas> Anyways, scattered gets 10 coins!
<scattered> Sorry, what?
<scattered> Here’s the picture btw. :)
<bbninjas> I was just saying you received 10 coins~~
<scattered> Oh sweet! ^_^
<steffenka> Oh, cool pic!
<steffenka> Anyways, let’s get rolling hooray~

<steffenka> Ohey! This round marks the tenth turn!
<steffenka> We’re halfway there. :3
*Mora rolls a 5.
*Peach rolls a 10!
*Keeper rolls a-
<Keeper> Stupid red box. ._.
*Keeper rolls a 5 and loses 5 coins!
*Keeper reaches Celever!
<Celever> Ohey!
<Celever> Wanna bring someone *here*
<Keeper> And why would I want to do that?
<Celever> Well, you know, scattered is right next to the next star…
<Celever> Could delay the inevitable, I suppose.
<Keeper> Good point.
<Keeper> Yeah, let’s do that.
*Celever uses his private chopper to bring scattered to Keeper!
<Keeper> Hello!
<scattered> Hello. ._.
<Keeper> What’s with the long face?
*scattered slaps Keeper with princess hands.
<Keeper> Rude.
*Xerneas rolls a 6.
<Xerneas> Boring.

<bbninjas> Okay, time for the next challenge!
<bbninjas> It’s called Treasure Divers!
<bbninjas> I’ve hidden a bunch of treasure chests-
<Keeper> Wait a second.
<Keeper> Why do you have so many treasure chests?
<Mora> Yeah - I thought you were broke. :U
<bbninjas> Ah, you know, the sponsors.
<bbninjas> Yes, the sponsors.
<bbninjas> Anyways, I’ve hidden a bunch of chests in a dark, underwater cave.
<bbninjas> So you guys are gonna go and find ‘em!
<Xerneas> *sigh*
<bbninjas> Let’s begin!

Treasure Divers
  • bbninjas has hidden a bunch of treasure chests in an underwater cave! The map can be found in the post below.
  • The contestants begin in the rough centre of the cave. They may post in thread to swim up, down, left or right. They may choose to swim up to two times before they must wait for someone else to swim. This means you may need to work together!
  • Players will continue swimming in the direction they chose until they reach an obstruction. Contestants themselves are not counted as obstructions. Contestants will temporarily stop swimming if they pick up a chest.
  • Once a player swims onto a chest, they will pick it up. They must return to the base (purple circle) to receive the coins inside the chest.
  • It is dark in the underground cave. However, you will illuminate any tile you cross while swimming.
  • If bbninjas ‘likes’ your post, that means I have processed your swimming action. The map found in the below post will be updated automatically once I have processed your action.
  • There are three types of chests - small, medium and large. The contain 1, 3 and 5 coins respectively.
  • Players have until Sunday the 4th of October, 7PM AEST or until all the chests have been obtained, whichever occurs first, to complete this minichallenge.
  • Players will receive in-game the amount of coins they obtained in this minichallenge. This means there is no ‘winner’ as such.


Mora (Mario) ---> 0 coins
Keeper (Wario) ---> 0 coins
scattered (Peach) ---> 0 coins
Xerneas (Yoshi) ---> 0 coins
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