Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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<Mora> Moar spammy games?
<bbninjas> Yup
<Mora> *sigh*
*scattered hits head on wall
<Keeper> ♪ ♪ ♫ Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ♪ ♪ ♫
<Xerneas> *punch*
<Keeper> Ouch!
<Mora> Ohey!
<Mora> A chest~
<Xerneas> It looks small…
<Mora> It’s a chest, at least :U
*Mora swims around
<Mora> How do you get out of here o.o;
<bbninjas> You have an hour left!
<Mora> And I got the chest in!
<Mora> And all other chests are yet to be found.
<Keeper> Wait a second
<Keeper> I just found-
<bbninjas> And that’s the deadline!
<Keeper> .___.
<bbninjas> Mora got an outstanding 1 coins!
<bbninjas> Everyone else got nothing.

*Mora rolls a 1. :(
*Mora is shot by PhantomHaze to Red Moderator’s Base 2.
*scattered rolls a 3.
*scattered is shot by PhantomHaze to Red Moderator’s Base 2.
*scattered reaches bbninjas!
<bbninjas> *waves*
<scattered> *waves back*
<bbninjas> Would you like a star?
<bbninjas> It only costs 20 coins. :3
<scattered> Sure wynaut
<bbninjas> Sweet
*scattered receives a STAR from bbninjas!
<bbninjas> Everyone must be really tired from all this battling :/
*bbninjas relocates to Black Member’s Base 1.

*Keeper rolls a 2.
*Xerneas rolls a-
<Xerneas> It’s a green box!
<Xerneas> That means high numbers!
*Xerneas rolls a 9.
*Xerneas is shot by Squirtle Squad to Red Moderator’s Base 1.
*Xerneas reaches steffenka
<steffenka> You’ve been doing pretty well!
<steffenka> Have 10 coins!
<Xerneas> Gee thnx :)
<steffenka> np :)

<bbninjas> And all the players have moved… so it’s time for our next game!
<bbninjas> Who’s played the claw grab game thing that you find in arcades and stuff?
<bbninjas> Well, I’ve found this crane around the island.
<bbninjas> So let’s play the Crane Game!
<bbninjas> Keeper can be the pilot because he keeps on landing on the red spaces. :<
<bbninjas> Everyone else can be prizes!
<bbninjas> So exciting :3
<Keeper> Why is the crane locked with shapes…?
<bbninjas> Awwww
<bbninjas> Looks like you’re gonna need to crack it first. :<

Crane Game
  • Let’s play that claw grab game! Keeper will be controlling the claw, while everyone else will be prizes.
  • Keeper must break the code spoiled below before he can choose to grab one of the following and receive its coin value:
    A moneybag (5 coins)
    A coin (1 coin)
    A treasure chest (10 coins)
    scattered (steal a third of his coins)
    Mora (steal a third of her coins)
    Xerneas (steal a third of his coins)
  • Keeper has three attempts to PM bbninjas and Celever to submit the next three shapes (and their colours) in the pattern before the deadline of Tuesday, 6th of October, 7PM AEST. He will need to PM the player/item he’d like to grab when submitting.
  • The remaining three contestants may also attempt to crack the code in a similar fashion. If they crack the code before Keeper, they will be immune to getting grabbed by him.


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<bbninjas> So… about those patterns…?
<Keeper> I ban you from making patterns.
<Xerneas> I’m too stumped. >_>
<scattered> Nope. No clue.
<bbninjas> It’s really quite simple actually.
<bbninjas> The next shape will have sides either increased or decreased by the number of letters in the previous shape’s colour!
<bbninjas> But anyways, no one won.
<steffenka> …so let’s get a-rolling!

*Mora rolls a 2.
*scattered rolls a 3.
*Keeper rolls a 2.
<bbninjas> What’s this?
<bbninjas> Memory Match?
<Keeper> Gees, that’s easy.
<Keeper> Much easier than your patterns. :U
<bbninjas> yeah, yeah, wtv
<Keeper> Anyways
<Keeper> This one matches with this one
<Keeper> This and that one
<Keeper> That one and this one.
<Keeper> And then one of there and the one over there-there!
<bbninjas> How. Did. You.
<Keeper> Magick!
<bbninjas> I noticed. >_>
*Keeper earns himself 8 coins!

*Xerneas rolls a 3!
*Xerneas is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 2.
<Xerneas> Closer, closer, closer…
<Xerneas> UGH MISS
<steffenka> Miss what?
<Xerneas> The star.
<steffenka> Awww, srry to hear.

<bbninjas> Anyways, to the next minichallenge!
<bbninjas> Celever really likes ordering people around, as we all know :)P).
<bbninjas> So we’re gonna play a game of Celever Says!
<bbninjas> Did everyone bring their red and white flags?
<Keeper> I actually did!
<bbninjas> Really?
<bbninjas> Well, they're not the right brand.
<Keeper> ._____.
<bbninjas> What do you suggest, Celever?
<Celever> Contestants should make them of course!
<bbninjas> Okay then! Contestants must make some pretty flags!
<bbninjas> (so sappy)

Shy Guy Says!
  • Each player must create either a red or white flag, or both. They must be made in real life, be of a square shape and be attached to a rod that can be held by the hand.
  • These flags can be made of virtually anything providing they can be held with a single hand! Paper, fabric, etc - you’ve got a bit of option.
  • Celever will (hopefully) be judging the best flag out of whatever criteria he uses. Whoever he determines the best will win.
  • Submissions must be a photograph taken by the contestants. If we find a similar photograph on the internet, it will be considered plagiarism and there will be serious penalties that follow.
  • Contestants must submit their flag/flags by Wednesday the 7th of October, 7:00PM AEST. Celever, however, will love you if you can submit two hours early.

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<bbninjas> Have all contestants made their flags?
<bbninjas> Yes?
<bbninjas> Well then - start waving them around maniacally!
<Celever> There’s a big competition here!
<Celever> But that was expected.
<Celever> Woah, Xerneas, that dedication!
<Celever> That’s a creative flag scattered. :3
<bbninjas> Wait a second… is that flag traingular?
<scattered> Uh, yes…?
<bbninjas> It’s supposed to be square - sorry mate. :(
<Celever> Ah well.
<Celever> Keeper’s looks generic-
<bbninjas> I thought it looked nice and neat actually :<
<Celever> ...and Mora really did construct hers!
<Celever> So… scattered came 4th; Keeper came 3rd, Xerneas came 2nd… and Mora came 1st!
<Celever> Woohoo!
<bbninjas> Which means Mora gets 10 coins!
<steffenka> Which also means we’re gonna start rolling!

*Mora rolls a 10!
*Mora reaches Vom!
<Vom> Why ‘ello!
<Vom> Would you like some free coins?
<Mora> Most definitely!
<Mora> Can you steal them?
<Vom> Steal them? Why, that would be mean!
<Mora> .____.
<Vom> Fine, fine. I’ll steal coins. :U
<Mora> Good choice!
<Mora> I’d like to steal from Keeper. And make it good this time. :U
<Vom> whatever
*Mora recieves 15 coins that were stolen from Keeper!!
<Mora> You’re too kind. ;D
<Keeper> *grumble*

*scattered rolls a 9.
*scattered is shot by Squirtle Squad to Red Moderator’s Base 1.
*scattered is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 1.
*scattered is shot by PhantomHaze to Red Moderator’s Base 2.
<scattered> I’ve got the force with me! ;D
<steffenka> It looks like the force deterred you away from the star. :U
<scattered> awwww
*Keeper rolls a 5.
*Keeper reaches steffenka!
<steffenka> Hey! o/
<Keeper> ‘Ello /o
<steffenka> I heard Mora stole 15 coins from you. :<
<Keeper> She what!?
<steffenka> I’m sorry to hear it. :/
<steffenka> So have 10 coins compensation!
<Keeper> I deserve it… >_>

*Xerneas rolls a 6.
*Xerneas is shot by PhantomHaze to Red Moderator’s Base 2.
*Xerneas reaches Vom!
<Vom> *spooks*
<Xerneas> Gees Vom - it’s not Halloween just yet :U
<Vom> Hey - that’s not what I’m-
<Vom> Ugh, nevermind.
<Vom> Did you want coins?
<Xerneas> Sure~
<Xerneas> From Mora would be great. :3
<Vom> No problemo!
*Xerneas receives 11 coins from Mora!
<steffenka> There must’ve been a lot of coins passing through that ghostly space n.n;
<steffenka> Anyways, time for the next minichallenge, bb!

<bbninjas> Does anyone here know how to drive?
<bbninjas> Cause I hope you do - we’re having a derby.
<bbninjas> A Slot Car Derby to be exact! :3
<bbninjas> Cars have been sponsored by Nintendo!
<Mora> o_O
<bbninjas> ssssshhhhh
<bbninjas> Three laps, etc etc
<bbninjas> So, contestants, get onto the track!

Slot Car Derby
  • Time to test your derby skills using the game by completing Race 1 of the Bronze Cup found here: [link.
  • Players must screenshot their lowest time and submit it to bbninjas and Celever by Thursday the 8th at 7PM AEST. PB must be open as a tab in the screenshot.
  • Xerneas, you’re gonna have to make do somehow. >_> I saw an ‘app download’ on the top right of the game, so it may be tablet compatible.
  • The player with the lowest time wiill win; everyone else will lose.

(Yes, it is white, we have confirmed that.)
Not sure how "red, blue, purple... orange, blue, purple" is a pattern...
The colors were easy.

Every other shape is a primary color. This rule applies to every shape save the first one. The reason being You need red and blue to make purple, the first, second, and third shape, respectively. The next shape is yellow, which follows the rule of every other shape being a primary color. There's no other indicator as to why this is yellow, but it does give the information needed to tell us that the shape in the next row is the same color. To get green, you need yellow and blue. So you take the color of the shape before the green triangle, and the next primary color behind it to get the color of the current shape. Red comes next due to being the last primary color (again, the first one is the exception). The next color is orange, because the two primary colors before it were red and yellow. The pattern continues with blue, and purple due to red and blue being before it. Yellow is in the same place, as I said, which means green follows. The only logical answer to the last shape is red.

The sides I couldn't figure out though for the life of me. I did try adding/subtracting with color names, but for some reason it never occurred to me to alternate. >.>
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