<bbninjas> Everyone strapped into their desert mobiles?
<Everyone> Yup!
<bbninjas> Coolsies. I’ve hidden clues where the final location is. Well, the answer to the lock on the final location.
<bbninjas> The first to break it will win the challenge!
<bbninjas> Got it? Good!
<bbninjas> Gooooooo!
*Xerneas and scattered race off!
<steffenka> And the final minichallenge has begun!
<steffenka> Won teams is off in a whirlwind, while the others are-
<Keeper> zzzzzz
<Mora> zzzzzz
<steffenka> Yeah, the others died.
<bbninjas> Ohey, apparently one team has found all the clues already.
<bbninjas> Though they’re like stuck with the password.

<Celever> o/ guys
<bbninjas> /o
<steffenka> \o
<bbninjas> One team hasn’t started, the other got stuck.
<bbninjas> So, uh, we’re going to pitch a tent up for the night.
*bbninjas, steffenka and Celever pitch a tent for the night
*A few days past
<steffenka> *yawn*
<steffenka> So, did any team do anything productive?
<bbninjas> Nope, just wandering around aimlessly
<Celever> Hey, hey, hey!
<Celever> Keeper’s woken from his slumber and his now riddle-cracking!
<bbninjas> :O
<bbninjas> This could get interesting! :3
<steffenka> The other team is working on it too!
<bbninjas> This’ll be close!
*bbninjas, Celever and steffenka watch their video feed
<Everyone> :O
<steffenka> It’s so close!
<bbninjas> No kidding!
<Celever> !!!
<Celever> scattered just submitted the right password!
<bbninjas> And so did Keeper!
<steffenka> scattered did it first!
<bbninjas> Which means scattered and Xerneas gain 10 coins…
<Celever> ... and Keeper and Mora loses 10.
<bbninjas> Sounds about right.
<steffenka> Yup.
<bbninjas> So let’s get to that moment we’ve all be waiting for…
<bbninjas> Even me!
*steffenka gathers notes...
<steffenka> And that’s all the turns up!
<steffenka> Which means it’s time to announce the results!
<steffenka> Who will be the STAR??
<steffenka> As we all should know by now, the contestant with the most Stars is the winner.
<steffenka> Let’s look at all the stars right now:
<bbninjas> Everyone has 1 besides scattered, who has 2!
<scattered> ;D
<steffenka> And if stars fail to decide, coins will be the next best thing!
<steffenka> And everybody’s coins looks like…
<bbninjas> This: [link]
<steffenka> We’re about to announce the Super Star, the best of the best and potential promotion…
<steffenka> But first there are Bonus Stars!
<steffenka> The first is the Game Star! :O
<steffenka> Whoever collected the most coins from minigames gets this star!
<steffenka> Aaaand…
*Drumroll commences!
<steffenka> The star goes to KEEPER!
<Keeper> What did I tell ya? ^^
*Keeper receives a star!
<steffenka> The next Bonus Star is the Coin Star!
<steffenka> This goes to the contestant that had the most coins on hand across the entire game!
*Dumroll moar
<steffenka> And that goes to XERNEAS!
<Xerneas> Doing nothing works! ;D
*Xerneas receives a star!
<steffenka> And the one and only contestant to land on a ‘?’ space is…
<steffenka> MORA!
*Mora receives a star!
<Mora> Still in the running here!
<steffenka> And that’s all the stars!
<steffenka> So, time for the final announcement!
<steffenka> The winner of The Challenge 6, 2015 is…
<bbninjas> Everyone has got two stars, which means the winner will be determined by coins!
<steffenka> So?
<bbninjas> We can’t do that! Coin distribution was really random!
<steffenka> So what are you going to do?
<bbninjas> I’m going to implement a new Bonus Star!
<steffenka> Can you even do that?
<bbninjas> I can now!
<bbninjas> I will give a tie-breaking star to the contestant who has won the most challenges across the course of this entire challenge!
*Crowd gasps!
<bbninjas> The best thing is… I have absolutely no idea who this star will be going to!
<steffenka> Right, while bbninjas is tallying up the votes, enjoy watching the
front page for a bit. :3
<steffenka> But stay tuned - results right after the break!
<bbninjas> Which will last another 24 hours because bb is hopelessly horrible at managing time.