RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 4 Part 1 Posted!
Sorry, but I don't have time for flavour right now. Summary of events:
So, the challenge itself:
THE CHALLENGE 4: (part 2)

Sorry, but I don't have time for flavour right now. Summary of events:
- The Egg Knights got rid of Lugia123
- The Egg Knights sent in their song late, so I chose the hardest one I could for them. I'd already done their part of the challenge when they sent in their track almost two hours late, so I'm afraid it's not counted.
- There is a distinct lack of Donkey Konga love out there. Disappointingly, I've been forced to choose songs from the PAL version for most teams if they didn't submit PAL songs beforehand, since there is literally no way for me to find out the canon American and Japanese rhythms. I also thought that there would be some kind of c/p of all Donkey Konga rhythms, but there isn't, so I've just spent the last hour and a half typing "red", "pink", "yellow", and "clap" many MANY times. If you had other popular songs in your team chats from the PAL game, bb and I chose those songs. If you are the team that didn't even mention a PAL song but DID submit on time, you got a merciful pick from me since I feel bad about this hiccup! n_n
- The songs are:
The Egg Knights: 99 Red Balloons
Eccellente: Advance Adventure
The Crushing Hammers: Turkish March
Centurions: The Legend of Zelda Theme
Team GYR.O.B.: Lady Marmalade - The Crushing Hammers used their advantage to penalise Centurions. All of their points in this round will count for half of the regular amount. Confused about what that means? It'll become clear when you see what this challenge is.
- I am going away on holiday early Monday morning until afternoonish on Friday. I don't know how much WiFi I'll be getting, but I'll be either forced to use my phone's 3G in Spain, or find a WiFi point somewhere and use my 3DS browser (which is surprisingly handy btw). Basically, my activity will be severely limited, if existant at all.
So, the challenge itself:
THE CHALLENGE 4: (part 2)
- You are going to play YPPY Count to X in teams in the game thread! \o/ Of course, there is a twist.
- Each team has been given the rhythm of their previously chosen song consisting of the following colours/words: red, yellow, pink, clap in their QuickTopic. This challenge is completely canon, as the rhythm given will be that of the songs from the original games.
- Each team is trying to post their rhythm in consecutive order, called their combo, by posting the next colour/word of their rhythm in the game thread. Teams must start at the beginning of their given song.
- This is a YPPY (you-person-person-you) Challenge, meaning that you have to wait until at least two other people have posted since your last post before you may post again.
- Teams can accidentally continue on another player's rhythm! Here is an example of this occurring:
Team 1: WPM, SR, Drohn (rhythm: Pink, Yellow, Clap, Red)
Team 2: BigfootAUS, Ice Espeon, Machamp the Champion (rhythm: Red, Yellow, Pink, Clap)
WPM posts 'Pink', SR posts 'Yellow' and Drohn posts 'Clap'. Bigfoot tries to break this by starting their own rhythm with 'Red'. However, 'Red' is the next beat in Team 1's Rhythm, so the chain is not broken, but Team 2's is also started. If Machamp the Champion posts 'Yellow' after Bigfoot, Team 1's rhythm will then be broken, and Team 2's rhythm will carry on from their 2nd note.
- Your aim is to create the longest combo of beats you can, with each beat in your rhythm counting as one point. If one person on your team posts the wrong beat, your combo is dead, and you have to start the song again from 0. Editing posts is banned, since you can't edit your notes in Donkey Konga! It's advised that you clearly show that you are restarting your combo if you have to.
- In the event that a team finishes their song's entire rhythm, they will start the song again, continuing their combo, only each beat will now count for two points. If they finish their song a second time, their streak will keep carrying on, and they will start their song again with each beat now counting as 3 points etc. etc.. If a team breaks the combo of a team who has completed a song, each of said team's beats will only count as 1 point the next time they start a new combo.
- The team with the highest score wins the Challenge (and receives an advantage in Challenge 5), while the team that scores the lowest will be forced to eliminate someone.
- You have until Thursday the 26th Midnight GMT to reach the highest score possible.