Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 4 Part 2 Posted!


I feel like this game is going around and around and around in circles... Has anyone got past their first three beats? Haha
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 4 Part 2 Posted!

rev3rsor said:


scattered mind said:

Warning for editing.

RULE: For clarification, points are received only for the number of beats in your longest chain (it doesn't matter who starts it).

Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, BROKEN, Clap, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Clap -.-, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red, Red, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Pink, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Pink, Red, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Clap, Pink, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Clap, Pink, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Red, Yellow, Clap, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Pink, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Clap, Yellow, Yellow, Clap, Yellow (#532)
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 4 Part 2 Posted!

^You might want to PM that to everyone. It'll be buried within the hour :p

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