Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

Deadline, R.I.P one team.

Judging results will be up tomorrow.
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

We've been here before. All of the contestants filed into the main foyer once again, and were stood waiting apprehensively for Celever to call out the results of yet another creativity challenge. This time it was a little different though, and for two reasons. The first reason was that this challenge was in fact created by Eccellente, which they were clearly well aware of, standing close to their room confidently, with a celebration party already set up inside. The second reason was that there was no longer a constant snoring coming from Team GY.R.O.B. That's right, NameBlank had finally been thrown into the lake earlier on that day!

NameBlank has been modkilled!

As everyone was well aware, bbninjas was away on yet another trip during submission time. As Celever stood by himself on the table with all eyes staring at him, he cleared his throat. "We all know that bbninjas isn't here, and I'm just not comfortable judging challenges like this all by myself: I need a second voice. So I've asked a dazzling guest judge to help me out, and I think you'll have seen her before..."
"Hello," said Athena, stepping out from the room she's sharing with her fellow spectator rev3rsor. The contestants had seen her around the island prying into their projects over the last couple of months, but had never really payed any real attention to her before now. Odd, too, seeing as how she was dressed in some long black robes with an electrified sword sheathed at her side. She stood up on the table next to Celever and continued to speak. "This was a really difficult judging round for Celever and I, and while I know you hear this every challenge, Celever and I talked for over an hour about who should come 2nd last and who should lose, we really went back and forth multiple times. Congratulations to the other positions though, you were easy to decide!" Everyone appluded Athena, though they were nervous. If it really was that close, any one of them could have lost.
Now for the submissions, with Athena's comments below each one:

When he hatched for the Bad Egg, the Yoshis saw this as a sign that he was not to be trusted. They quickly exiled him from the island. On the mainland he meet a Koopa that lead him to Bowser, where he was accepted for who he was. After becoming one of Bowser's minions, he totes Bowser Jr. around on his back and likes to thwart Mario at every stop. When Evil Yoshi sees any other Yoshi, memories of the island return and he becomes a little more resentful and sinister each time. This corrupted being can use its tail as well as a Yoshi can use its tongue.

The Egg Knight's Evil Yoshi
- Nice, unique artwork that lives up to the character's name
- Backstory makes sense within the context of the world and fits within the game's villains
- Inclusion of game mechanics tweaked to make the character stand out more, like the tail acting like Yoshi's tongue.
- Unfinished artwork is unfinished.
- Art design doesn't fit into the Mario/Yoshi's Island world at all, too realistic and dark. I mean, I get that it's supposed to be "Evil" Yoshi, but even Bowser/Baby Bowser are rounded and much differently proportioned despite being the man baddies.
- Is there any more to its original background besides "ope, that's an evil looking egg so let's shun that guy"? Seems a bit mean and unpolished. Maybe if he was acting bad and got kicked off the island or something it would be more believable.

Summary: A fun concept that could be a workable boss/mini-boss but would need a major art overhaul (and a bit better earlier backstory) before I could see it in any Mario/Yoshi game.



“Born in some exotic, within the Diamond World, she’s a dark witch like no other. She, unlike her evil twin sister Ashley, actually uses his dark magic powers to help those who need her… but at a price. She often, in exchange of her favors, asks their clients to give her a happy memory. Her client then mysteriously loses the memory forever. But secretly, she feeds from those memories. The happier the memory, the hungrier it makes her.

Her dark powers have a wide range of applications: from reviving the dead to brewing potions (both good and bad). It is widely believed that she can summon mysterious creatures however it has not been confirmed since the people she has been fabled to use these powers on are all dead.

However, dark magic isn’t the only one that Kate knows. She’s quite familiar with angelic powers. Like her sister does with demons, she spends most of her free time with angels (from the Blue family), learning new spells so she can grow more and more powerful; or at least powerful enough to counterspell her sister’s mishaps."

Image credit goes to official WarioWare artwork for the poses and base image, and credit to Kid Icarus Uprising official artwork of Fairy Orbitars for the base image of the fairy angel. Oh and credit to for the Chibi angel wings.

Eccelente's Kate
- Involved backstory that is very detailed and fitting within the game's world
- Character design is nice in that it reflects the base character well while still being very unique
- Kate herself is a nice reflection of being an "opposite" Ashley in personality and deeds, not just in design
- The artwork feels very lazy to me, being just a recolour of the game's actual artwork with a ponytail photoshopped out. Even the parts that were added (wings, fairy) were just taken from other sources (a clipart site and Kid Icarus official art, respectively) and slapped on. I get that not everyone is an artist, but you're not being judged on artistic quality, but on creativity.
- I'm not sure how the character would actually fit into the franchise and would have liked to see references to game stuff and/or other characters aside from her counterpart in Ashley; it makes Kate feel like a standalone rather than part of a whole.
- The angel doesn't fit into the style of WarioWare at all, which is all the more heinous because it was more or less a simple copy/paste; a bit of effort could have made it fit in with the rest of the art.

Summary: Good characterization with detailed background, but is missing game connections and original art.


Name: Phantom Popo
Alter Ego of: Popo
Backstory: Phantom Popo is a ghost created after an evil Ice climber that looks just like Popo, froze to death 50 years ago after he fell from the highest level in the game. He returns to scale the iceberg as a ghost and appears in the characters screen as an alternative player instead of Popo/Nana after losing in the 50 time. Unlike Popo, He uses extreme force to kill anything in his way, even if it doesn't want to fight/stall him. Phantom Popo's ability is to pass through Ice without having to use its Hammer. Being a ghost, he cannot die but it will disappear if he takes one hit from any enemy. After that the player will have to wait another 50 loses before Phantom Popo will reappear.

Crushing Hammer's Phantom Popo
- I love the idea of having a ghost of something as the "dark" version of a character; very fitting and unique.
- I like that you went into a lot of detail regarding how Phantom Popo would actually work from a gameplay perspective. While not actually a part of the grading rubric, it makes the character more realistic.
- Artwork takes clear inspiration from the parent series and has a nice alternate colour feel.
- Works with core themes of the game in its backstory.
- Backstory is quite a bit dark for a game starring kids which makes it lose some credibility.
- Phantom Popo is supposed to be a ghost of a guy who looks exactly like Popo, but the artwork neither looks like a ghost nor looks like Popo. Instead it has more of a zombie ninja feel. Again, much darker than the source material.
- The gameplay insertion seems to add an extra difficulty as a punishment for losing a lot rather than something that will help make the game easier like most "oh, whoops, look like you died a lot let's help you" mechanics/characters. I could see Phantom Popo being an unlockable alt. like a Hard Mode thing, or appearing in a very different fashion after X deaths in a fashion that would help the player beat the level, such as by removing the "disappearing on hit" part.

Summary: A really unique concept that would need a lot of changes before it could be a game reality.



Centurions's ???
- Nice and short judging job I had to do for your entry!
- No actual entry.

Summary: Automatic loss, so sorry.


Name: b.R.O.B. (beta Robotic Operating Buddy)

"Unknown to others, R.O.B.'s Alter ego, b.R.O.B., was actually the original design. However during initial programming, it was infected by two glitches known as "Spike" and "Flipper", due to a mistake made by Professor Vector. This is why it ended up being corrupted, and to prevent any exposure from media, everything about it was covered up."

Other information:
Design based on R.O.B. and "Jibo the Family Robot"

Gy.R.O.B's b.R.O.B
- Very nice work given the very small amount of material from the base game to work with; let's face it, the R.O.B. games aren't exactly pinacles of the video game world. Making a dark version of the pong sticks would have only been slightly more challenging.
- References other characters within the franchise.
- Works with the robotic theme within its backstory.
- Artwork legitimately looks like an older version of R.O.B.
- Despite the aging, artwork looks way too similar to the original R.O.B.; I would have liked to see another colour scheme or something. This is a case where the realism of the similar design hurts the design from a video game perspective.
- I'm not sure how the character could actually be added to the franchise and would have liked to see this expanded more. Is it a villain that gets woken by Spike and Flipper? Is it an alternate R.O.B. that you can unlock and play as?
- Biography is very short and minimal. I know there's not a whole lot of background information to work with, but that doesn't mean you can't make stuff to fluff it up and add some creativity.

Summary: Overall a decent job, though I would have liked to see more detail and to have a character that stands out more from R.O.B.

"Centurions have lost, this much is obvious, but they're not the only team eliminating a player. In fact, they're not even eliminating a player. They're eliminating two. There was basically no activity from 3 of the 4 members this challenge (though they've all been active besides), and they deserve to be punished for that. It seems like a waste having everyone else work so hard on high quality characters, though, so 4th place is also going to eliminate a player. On that note, let's move on to the results:" Celever finished.

The Egg Knights
Team GY.R.O.B
The Crushing Hammers

Each member of Centurions has two votes for them to place on the other members of their team. Two members will be eliminated at the end of the elimination.
Eccellente has come 4th and must eliminate a member.
All of you send your votes to bbninjas and I. You have 27 hours, 16 minutes, or until the 10th of April 11:59, to submit your votes.
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

This. Has. To. Be. A. Joke.

/me slams face against desk repeatedly

inb4 all of Eccelente is eliminated before the solo sounds. :v
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

Jeremy1026 said:
King Xerneas said:
So much for taking a Dark Pit approach...

The approach that was explicitly denied in the rules?

Dark Pit was used as an example of an alter ego. Eccellente literally wrote the rules, messing up there would have been disastrous lol.
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

Celever said:
Jeremy1026 said:
The approach that was explicitly denied in the rules?

Dark Pit was used as an example of an alter ego. Eccellente literally wrote the rules, messing up there would have been disastrous lol.

You mean, like more disastrous that it already is? -.-*
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5

Oh boy... Lots of things happen when you try to carry your team and your internet goes down and you can't fix it. ALL IT TOOK WAS MY COMPUTER RESTARTING!

I failed. Horrendously.

/me is very sorry and sad.
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 5



The air was tense and the contestants were hungry for blood. Three people were leaving, and all that people were focussing on was making sure it wasn't them. Well, mostly. A rather chilly Espeon, carved out of ice and given life, was feeling guilty about his lack of contribution in the competition thus far. He'd remained reasonably active, but he had to go back to his freezer every few hours to keep breathing, so his focus was minimal. As such, he decided to head home , plunging himself into the lake outside and contributing to something for the first time this competition, the water cycle.
Ice Espeon has been eliminated! (Not modkilled, despite the flavour)

Nearby, an extremely nervous Cypher was looking longingly at the ferry. "Look, guys, I know I failed you, but please, just put me on a ferry when you kick me out and not the couchboat..."
"Dude," Celever consoled, "sure you had some computer troubles, but your team losing was NOT your fault. The other three members didn't post once there this entire challenge. If we were stricter hosts they'd all have a one-way ticket to the ocean floor. Pick yourself up, because there's gonna be an opportunity for one or two of the eliminated contestants to come back at some point. Start preparing to make sure one of those contestants is you, beccause as ruthelss as this is, I'm afraid you're headed home." After that speech, Cypher boarded the ferry and headed back to his house, ready and waiting for his e-mail invitation back to the island.
Cypher333 has been eliminated!

"Yeah," bbninjas said, "you all saw it coming. There is going to be a revival challenge, so for all of you guys who have been let go who may hear this, get ready, because it's gonna be good :3. It's not gonna be now, though."

Back onto the topic of elimination, that wasn't everyone who was headed home. Eccellente came fourth last time in a harsh choice, but the votes did not go as expected. In a shocking crossfire, two of the perceptively stronger players in the competition, King Xerneas and Camoclone, came out fighting, while Luis, another perceptively strong player, sat back and watched. The fight lasted for hours, until Xerneas showed the true power of the fairies, and moonblasted Camo miles away over the water. Miraculously, he landed on the ferry, and was fighting fit the very next day.
Camoclone has been eliminated!

"Well, that escalated quickly..." Celever said nervously. "Let's all give Xerneas a bit of time to calm down. I guess this is a good time to remind of that The Crushing Hammers have an advantage by their winning of Challenge 4. I also forgot to mention that The Egg Knights have got an advantage by their winning of Challenge 5. Additionally, Team GY.R.O.B have got an advantage for submitting a high-quality piece of work for a challenge a couple of days into the competition. If other teams had submitted earlier than ~2 hours before deadline, this wouldn't have happened, so you only have yourselves to blame. These advantages will be the shame, which puts Centurions and, er, Eccellente at a slight disadvantage leading into Challenge 6." Celever glanced nervously at King Xerneas as he was finishing. He'd seen what he could do, so thought that distracting him would be the best way forward. The best way to do this is a challenge! \o/

  • We love codes, cryptics and confusion. So that's what this challenge is all about! ^_^
  • Some amount of clues have been hidden around PB.
  • As teams, you must find, decode and interpret the clues to find the next one. The last clue will give you instructions on how to complete the Challenge.
  • The clues aren't in English, that much we will tell you. However, there is a MAJOR hint in this post as to how to decipher it, which you've inevitably seen already, you just may not know it yet.
  • Each team has access to hint(s), which will give them a more obvious clue in English. To ask for a hint, you must send us the most recent clue you have found as a team before that point, so that we know which hint to give you.
  • The three teams with advantages, The Egg Knights, The Crushing Hammers and Team GY.R.O.B., get two hints. Eccellente and Centurions only get one.
  • BTW, a dazzling moderator hid the clues, so no edit searching cheats for you! >:L
  • This is a race to the finish, so this deadline shouldn't matter to you. I sincerely hope this challenge doesn't drag out too long, but you have 8 days, or Sunday the 19th at midnight GMT, to get this done. If you don't, you will be forced to eliminate a player.

Clue 1:

Good luck!
RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 6

Celever said:
(...) while Luis, another perceptively strong player, sat back and watched.

Yeah, sat back and relax... while attending University... and spending 13 hours there on a Friday... and having 2 tests and 2 reports for the same day in a week... Yeah, great definition of relaxing. Quite fitting, you know?

Anyways, let this be a reminder I'll be pseudo-dead until next Saturday.
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