In the wake of a hugely inactive last challenge leaving 4 players up for elimination, Keeper of Night was in his room feeling confident in himself. "Same message copy/pasted to you, and you, aaaaaaaand you!" he sniggered as he laid back in his chair. "Man, this competition is too easy, I don't even have to take part in the challenges right now! :3" However, some of his "allies" had other plans.
The next day Celever and bbninjas called the competitors into the main hall. "Right, the boat is outside waiting," bbninjas declared, "and so one of you four is going home!"
"GM DracLord," Celever started, "step forward." He walked nervously in front of everyone else. "Keeper of Night, step forward. You are tied for the most votes with GM Drac." KoN looked pissed as he walked in front of the rest of the group. All he wanted to know is who had betrayed him. "Now, heads or tails?" Celever questioned. "Heads!' KoN cried, as bbninjas flipped his coin onto tails. The room gasped as KoN was ushered outside onto the boat.
Keeper of Night has been eliminated from The Challenge! ( :o )
"Now then, let's get onto the teaser." Celever said. "It was actually the Poltergust 300, but bb made it the wrong colour..." Celever glared at bbninjas while he looks totally embarassed.
"One user guessed the franchise though!

" bbninjas cried defiantly. "PhantomHaze thank you for saving me from the scolding! :3"
"Anyway," Celever leered, "Phantom did a great job at that guess, so he gets an advantage in this challenge. This will be different from Xerneas' advantage, but both are very powerful."
"We've got nothing more to talk abou-" bbninjas started before he got thousands of chills down his spine. He turned slowly...
"IT'S A BOO!" the competitors cried as they ran away for their lives. Two players were caught by the ghosts, though.
Celever grinned. "Well, that was a dramatic start! Let's get this challenge rolling..."
The Challenge:
- You will all be given a role from this list:
Goomba ~ 10 points
Koopa ~ 20 points
Swoop ~ 30 points
Toad ~ 40 points
Luma ~ 50 points
Wiggler ~ 60 points
Chain Chomp ~ 70 points
Luigi ~ 80 points
- Two players will also start as ghosts.
- Every cycle each player must send bbninjas and Celever a PM with another player's name in it. This is called targeting the player, and roles will be swapped between the sender of the PM and their target no matter what. Furthermore:
- If a non-ghost targets a ghost when the non-ghost has fewer points than the ghost, the non-ghost will become a ghost and the ghost will become a non-ghost.
- If a non-ghost targets a ghost when the non-ghost has more points than the ghost, the non-ghost will remain a non-ghost and the ghost will remain a ghost.
- If a ghost targets a non-ghost when the ghost has fewer points than the non-ghost, the ghost will remain a ghost and the non-ghost will remain a non-ghost.
- If a ghost targets a non-ghost when the ghost has more points than the non-ghost, the ghost will become a non-ghost and the non-ghost will become a ghost.
- If a ghost targets a ghost, they will both stay as ghosts.
- If a non-ghost targets a non-ghost they will both stay as non-ghosts
- At the end of the 7 cycles, King Xerneas' advantage will come into play. He will be able to target any player he likes in his own private cycle, and everyone's roles will be publicised just for him. He has the ability to decide the fate of everyone else in the game if you allow it, so play carefully.
- There will be 7 cycles (not including King Xerneas' private cycle), which will last 24 hours each. The players that have the ghost role at the end of King Xerneas' cycle will be up for elimination. Speaking of elimination, this is where PhantomHaze's advantage comes into play.
- There will only be one vote cast in this elimination, and it will be cast by PhantomHaze. Whoever he chooses of the two players up for elimination goes home, no questions asked.
- Each cycle will last 24 hours. This cycle lasts a little bit longer to give time for people to ask questions and because I'm posting this at 3:45 AM, which isn't a good time for consistent updates.