Celever and bbninjas were really happy with the challenge they had made. "Haha," bb smiled to Celever, "no one's gonna guess who Kirby is! Kirby chose a great person to impersonate!" Then a user made a shot in the dark. bbninjas and Celever looked at each other suspiciously. "Xerneas, you..." Celever said in disbelief, "you got it right!" Xerneas then walked from room to room telling most of the other participants the right answer too. After Celever and Brave Vesperia were finished with their Pokemon Battle he soon guessed it right too. Eventually everyone in the game told Kirby who they had copied perfectly in great time. As such, Celever and bbninjas agreed that it wouldn't be appropriate for any of the contestants to be eliminated based on Challenge 13.
King Xerneas has got an advantage for guessing correctly first though, and Brave Vesperia has got an advantage for the best bribe.
"Hey," Celever approached bbninjas, "did you know that Istanbul isn't the capital of Turkey any more? Some random place called Ankara. That's so BS, I should be president of Turkey... I'll sort the country out!

"Celever," bbninjas stared at his co-host blankly, "that's a terrible idea. There'll be riots... you'll be killed!"
"Eh," Celever smiled, "they'll survive."
That has nothing to do with the challenge, bb just posted the quote above so I thought I'd give you the gist. Seriously, though, Istanbul should be the capital of Turkey; I was really surprised when I found out it wasn't.
As Celever was waking up and drinking his morning green tea (because coffee is overrated) a lazer shot through Nintendo's HQ. Celever grabbed his home insurance forms and ran outside. "Right," Celever said angrily, "Fox McCloud, I know that you like to make an entrance, but I will be needing payment because you probably just killed some of the few remaining Nintendo employees -_-"
"My bad," Fox said, jumping out of his arwing. His ship careered out of control and crash into the building. "Huh," Fox said, "that's sorta relevant for my challenge actually."
"How do you know about our competition?" bbninjas inquired.
"All Nintendo characters do," Fox grinned, "Palutena told us all about it at our annual Smash Bros. disco! We've been watching you through her weird fountain thing ever since! We've been sharing pictures of you all over Miiverse too!"
"#MiiverseFamous" Celever memed, though everyone else looked at him disapprovingly.
"Anyway," a shadow crept over Fox's face and he suddenly looked serious, "there is a worldwide crisis. We must escape from Earth and launch into space for a day or you will die.
"OHSHI--" Celever screamed.
"And the funny thing is is that I fitted my arwing with extra seating to save all of you, buuuuuut... you saw what just happened..."
"And our rocket's in the garage," bbninjas sighed. "There was a chip in the windscreen!"
Fox thought for a moment and then walked outside talking on his telecom thing. Falco swooped down in his spaceship, apparently some kind of cargo ship, and dumped a load of spaceship parts from the sky outside on the pier. Everyone ran outside.
"There's enough parts here for two spaceships," Fox informed everyone, "and each spaceship can hold 5 people."
"Right," Celever thought, "so me, bbninjas, Sakurai, Miyamoto, Fox himself... that's 5."
"We've got 7 contestants though!" bbninjas cried. "Looks like two of you are gonna be left behind..."
The Challenge:
- It's a race to the stars! Your task is to complete and construct a ship of one of the 7 blueprints as quickly as possible using parts you have gathered.
- There are 7 blueprints that are public knowledge to the players, one of which must be used to complete a ship to be safe from elimination. Each blueprint requires 15 specific parts to complete the ship depicted.
- Each player has been PM'd 15 random parts at the start of the challenge that different blueprints may be able to use. This will be their 'inventory', and will be updated by the hosts whenever a trade/event occurs. These parts will be sent on a google spreadsheet; to prevent cheating we have also created a hosting gmail account so that both hosts can edit it, but not you n_n.
- Players must blind trade parts to try and gain all the necessary parts for a ship blueprint. This is done by posting a primary offer in thread using the following format (bold tags are required): Offering to trade <item quantity>! Any player may choose to accept this offer by posting Accepting offer by <user> by trading <item quantity>!. You may not post what item you are actually trading, only the quantity. Accepting will cause the trade to automatically follow through.
- Any trades must be of the same item quantity (i.e. 4 items for 4 items).
- In accompaniment to the in-thread post, you must post in your private inventory conversation stating what you are actually offering, for us hosts Dx. This applies to both the offerer and the acceptor. State the post number or link/quote the post you are reffering to, as well.
- You may only have one primary offer active at a single time. This means you must remember to state in thread that you would like to cancel your offer, by posting: Cancelling the offer at <post #> You can, however, accept an offer while still having your primary offer active.
- Players may use Outside Communication to discuss trades, but any offers must be made in thread.
- A production line will randomly deposit an item into the inventory of each player on a set time basis.
- The first two players to finish their spaceships get to save another player. Once two players finish their ships and save another player each the challenge will be over and any remaining players will be up for a vote.
- The player sent into elimination who garners the most votes will be safe, the other two with the fewest votes will be eliminated.
- King Xerneas and Brave Vesperia's advantage is kinda small, but could give them some nice leg room. They both start with 18 parts as opposed to everyone else's 15.
Sending out spreadsheets now. You may not offer any deals until I edit this post saying they are all out. As always, you can ask questions any time.
Spreadsheets are out. LMK if you don't have yours, or if I gave you the wrong one; they're all named. I checked them all twice so they shouldn't be wrong, but hey...