"Hurry," Fox urged, "we need to get out of here now! For God's sake hurry!"
"Uhhh," scattered mind grinned, "aaaaaactually I've got a holiday planned to ~~Barcelona!~~ See you all in 4 days!" scattered mind quickly ran out of the building, suitcase in hand, and jumped on a ferry. All the contestants then turned to look at Fox. He walked outside, speaking on his communication device to Falco. He then walked back in and addressed the contestants. "Hey," he cheered, "turns out this huge scary disaster isn't going to happen for exactly 4 more days!" Everyone in the room looked at each other and then back at Fox. "Fine," he sighed, "this was going to be a fun surprise, but there's no disaster after all."
"No, really?" Celever chastised sarcastically. Fox chose to ignore his tone.
"But there's a better surprise! Y'see, over on PNF-404--" Fox was interrupted.
"PNF-404?" A confused contestant asked.
"The Pikmin planet." Fox answered as the contestant nodded in recognition. "Anyway, on PNF-404 Olimar's waiting for you with another challenge! He was really pleased when he came up with this plan too, so could we all just fly up in the rockets anyway and act really surprised when he springs it on us?

"Fine," Celever sighed, "but we have to wait for scattered mind to get back before we can leave anyway, since he was one of the winners of the challenge... Mind letting Olimar know on your space walkie talkie thing?" Fox then walked out the room talking on his weird mobile phone again. Celever then turned to address the crowd.
"So...," he began, "I guess let the 4-day voting commence?

" After only a few hours it was pretty clear which way the vote was going though. The landslide increased after a ferry of friends of Mora's arrived and all placed their votes for steffenka too. Now this isn't to say that Phantom got no votes, just not enough.
PhantomHaze has been eliminated from the Challenge!
scattered mind wandered back in off the ferry. All the contestants were fuming, but soon the engines on their rockets were getting fired up instead, and off to PNF-404 the flew. However, as per tradition of all explorers heading to the planet, their rockets broke and they had to manoeuvre a crash landing. " Welcome to PNF-404!" Olimar cheered. "Don't worry about your space vessels, I've got a new one prepared to take all of your back since I figured that would happen." Olimar smiled once again, but the challengers all looked very angry. They'd just played a silly parody of Pit in order to build those spaceships -- now they're crashed over in the snow somewhere! Olimar failed to realise this, though, and went on his way merrily. "Follow me!" he laughed. Olimar led everyone to a large list the Pikmin had crafted in the snow over a large amount of time. "It's time to see who can collect the greatest items!" Olimar giggled once again. "Our Pikmin have chosen their faaaaaavourite objects in the whole wide world. Fox informed me that your names for them are different from our's though! Either way, everyone gather up the best items!!" Olimar danced around again and then entered the Hocotate ship.
The Challenge:
- It’s your time to shine - discover the Pikmin extravaganza and claim your spoils on Planet PNF-404!
- At the bottom of this post there is a list of objects that the Hocotatians and Koppaites have unofficially named. Your aim is to correctly guess each Earthian object and photograph them.
- You must PM Celever and bbninjas to submit the unofficial name (i.e. Hocotatian name) of the object you have photographed and a link to the photograph. You are not required to submit all of your photographs at one time, however any submissions must be made in a single conversation and may not be updated once submitted.
- Any photographs you submit must be of your own. If we can find the photograph you submit on the internet prior to your submission, or suspect the photograph is not completely your work, you will be penalised by 50% tax of the value of the object you are guessing.
- You will likely come across objects you may not have access to, so you may have to be innovative.
- Each object has poko value. On each submission, the player that submitted the object closest to the true object (which we have a sample of ourselves) will receive the Poko value of that amount.
- If a player gathers all the right objects (i.e wins the Pokos) for a certain series, the Poko value of said objects will double!
- The players with the least two total values of pokos will be eliminated.
I didn't forget to post the list this time like I did the spaceship parts. Here we go!
Nature's Candy Series (535 pokos total)
Avant-garde veggies and sweet-toothed delicacies for modern gourmets!
Sphere of Impression
Parching Fruit
Hydration Fare
Punctured Driedness
Luscious Trampoline
Hallucinatory Power-up
Dream Series (645 pokos total)
Parents hear the word "dream" and open their wallets!
Indecisive Royalty
Etched Power Pocket
Interlocking Constructive Item
Airbone Kaleidoscope
Suction Torpedo
Caving Bounce-Orb
Modern Amenities (590 pokos total)
Advanced technology, or worthless junk?
Einstein's Bead
Metallic Clicker
Fashionable Masterpiece
Anosmic Inducer
Anger Expresser
Lazy Prick
Hyper-technology Series (745 pokos total)
Everyone loves a new gadget!
Vital Intertwining Fibre
Transportable Data
Explosive Lock
Trapped Energy
Mathematical Genius
Steamrolled Mammal
Cook's Arsenal Series (625 pokos total)
These apparatus ought to turn a tasty profit!
Rustic Entanglement
Calcium Topper
Bifunctional Dagger
Mechanical Basin
Hydrogen Disperser
Hollowed Poker
Blast from the Past Series (1,000 pokos total)
Our nostalgic pitch will transform these oldies (or newbies) into hits!
Moble Virtual Boxer
Controlling Cross
Virtual Pizza
Monument of Rivalry
Mighty Clencher
Genes in a Box
Explorer's Friend Series (570 pokos total)
Everyone has friends...except for spaceships.
Interplanetary Message
Unreliable Watercraft
Lockpicker Mastermind
Polarised Pointer
Wind Catcher
Lynch Instigator
Household Deviants Series (720 pokos total)
These are must-be divas of each family household!
Grounded Fowl
Reflective Focuser
Forged Pine
Giant's Javelin
Sun's Peeper
Death Trigger
Tortured Artist Series (580 pokos total)
Everyone's inner artist will crave this set!
Destructive Intellectual Device
Rainbow's Store
Creativity Blower
Tree's Epitaph
Clay Tanner
Streak Stroker