Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Hamburger? Oh... there's no hamburger. :x

Okay, so I've got this strange feeling that Pies are a type of food, so definitely that.
I think the other word is Throat, as you sorta use your throat to eat food. :x
List and graphic updated here.

Unfortunately, the site that I use for generating boards has updated and all the seeds have changed. As a result, the seed I have for this game is no longer working. As such, I can't easily make nice pretty graphics of the game in progress anymore, so you'll have to put up with lazy ovals. :U
Both sound good to me, so I am fine for going with them
My laptops charger just broke, and I am not sure when I will be able to get a replacement, so I might not be online again for n unknown amount of time, sorry team, good luck
Pies is a blue word! GJ

Throat is a neutral word. Get better at guessing >:L

I think you still have a guess? IDR if neutral is an automatic round end or not actually.
List updated; graphic will be updated tomorrow or Sunday, whenever I am less lazy.
Okay, for the last remaining "Food" clue, I think the word is one of the following:
- Invention, as dishes of food are invented
- Comfort, as food is eaten as comfort for many people

As for Spring, I'm thinking:
- Invention, as a spring is an invention.
- Engine, as springs are used in engines.
- Sort, as in Spring Cleaning.
- Rings, stretching a bit here, but a spring is sorta made of rings.
- Holiday, again stretching... do people go holidaying often in Spring?

I'd normally say Wind, but I'm pretty sure that's the other codename Red is trying to get from their latest clue.

My recommendations are this order: Invention, Engine, Sort; if @Vracken or @Skyleaf would like to give their thoughts, then go ahead. I may not see them until another 12 or so hours (or beyond), though. :x
Yea, I had Comfort on my radar as well, but Throat seemed more logical to me at least at the time.
Otherwise I am not so sure on Spring, I am inclined to go with your ideas bbninjas, but overall I have nothing to add
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