Holy Star blows up the forum.
By: safariblade
If you don’t know who
Holy Star is, or rather, who he was, then check out his profile. You will see that he has been banned, and hasn’t been on the site for awhile. As a brief summary, he joined in 2006, way before my time, but I knew him as a Super Mod when I first joined. Upon researching this rather boring history for TDL’s “The Challenge”, I found out some interesting info. I think it would be best if I simply write everything that I found, and how I found it - thats interesting, right?
But the interesting part is the dark secret that I discovered about Pokebeach.
Anyways, well since I knew a little about Holy Star and his... ‘incident’ on April Fools, I decided to try to find the tread where it started. I spent like two hours and checked basically ALL of the ‘Amazing Threads’, and I thought a few of the April Fools gimmicks were the right threads, but they weren’t. The ‘Amazing Threads’ really needs to be updated... (with Secret Spoon also.)
I eventually found the thread by digging around in Holy Star’s posts. I had already tried his threads, but apparently he hadn’t made the thread. I finally found it. It was a thread titled
iFoolu, created by Kevin Garrett. The thread is on the 11th page of the Website Feedback forum, but at the time it was made, it was in the magical ‘Secret Mod Forums’ so only the staff could see it.
Basically the plan went like this: Holy Star would be made into a fake Admin, and he would slowly ban the other staff and ‘delete’ (hide) all of the forums until he took over the site, fooling everyone. The plan was very detailed, being discussed weeks ahead of time, before April Fools day. So the plan was initiated.
Holy Star was administrated, and if anyone were to tell the public about the joke, they would be killed.
WPM said:
Plan 1 is in motion. If anyone tells anyone what is going on, I will slit your throats. The joke is NOT to leave THIS forum under ANY circumstances. You can't even talk about it on AIM. I will seriously take action if anyone spills the joke. That includes telling someone and then telling them not to tell anyone else. IT DOES NOT LEAVE THIS THREAD!
The members all believed that Holy Star was an admin, despite his past, (I will get to that later) because of WPM’s
Thread. PMJ and Spoon were made fake admins, as well as KG, in order to make it all seem real. Anyways, I really wish I was there to see it go down and write some poems. The whole thing was reviled later
here although the thing was mediocre compared to April 2011 :3.
So I thought I was done researching when I saw this:
WPM said:
In the end though, we thought it would be better for Holy Star to "hack" the forums to show that he would not do it again. If you were here in 2006 (I think that was the year), Holy Star went coo-coo and deleted the forums, kicked people out of the chat, etc. A lot of people didn't trust him anymore even though that was really the only bad thing he ever did, but I forgave him and let him come back and eventually become supermod again.
Then I realized the truth. This wasn’t a respect builder for Holy Star at all, it was a cover up. Apparently, he was eventually banned because:
dmaster the all knowing said:
He was a troll and kept making other Mods/WPM mad in the Forums/Chat. Creating drama, general neegativity/trolliness, hitting on members here publically in the Forum, the list just goes on and on.
April Fools was Holy Star’s chance for revenge, and he took it. WPM should have never forgave him, because what really went down was this: When WPM least expected it, Holy Star used the confusion to sneak into his house and swap their accounts at the last minute. Then WPM, (really HS) just banned HS (really WPM) and even to this day, while we all laugh at this story, we have a fraud Admin who laughs behind his mask of lies. Why do you think Spoon was de-modded? He was the only one who knew, so he had to be ‘put-down’ For all we know, PMJ, KG, SR, Xous, and the rest of the staff could be brainwashed. dragonexpert and dmaster weren’t staff at the time, so they don’t know better. WE MUST SAVE THE OLD WPM!