Finished The Challenge: Season Two

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Imakuni? winning was obvious. I loved his Giratina.

Don't DQ anyone. HL will be on eventually, but if not, it's just another person that isn't in anyone's way XP. Sent my vote in BTW.
Everyone who is voting for DNA is wasting a vote; DNA is down to his last immunity.

Same with Guy I think, not too sure.
As of the current challenge:
Rewards are as follows:

oyeah1988: Immunity
Peachy: Immunity
TheGuy: Immunity
Imakuni: Immunity/ cannot be voted this round
DNA: Immunity/2x Vote

Look right to you, TDL?
Alright, looks good then.

Everyone just resend your votes. You can't vote for any of the people who have immunities.
They basically protect you upon the next elimination. You can't save them for later, and the can be stacked (that's why guy and dna are still here).

They got them from previous challenges. Hatman got one from the last challenge, while the rest are leftovers from gaining so many from older challenges.
I'm here.

Partly because I was away for the holidays, but mostly because my laptop crashed as you should've been able to tell if you looked in my profile. :[

Next challenge coming up!
For about ten seconds, I thought I was reading YLYL.

And then I realized what the picture was for.
Find my first post on these forums. PM it to me.

Hint: it was on a popular thread.

First three to find it will get an immunity. Other hints will be given later.
Scratch that last clue, Guy just proved me wrong.

It was in a thread relating to the location of a certain issue.
Changing this challenge's rule to last person to find it leaves.

This is just so absurdly easy now. Might as well use this to weed out the inactives
I cant find it now, my iPod is refusing to cooperate. I'll look later today.

This is the kind of challenge I hate, but I swear if this is the one that kills me... .__.
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